Chapter Fourteen

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They were two large men, one in a white coat and the other was in regular slacks.

Confusion swam through Olivia's brain. The doctor was male.

Then who was the woman who treated her before? A nurse?

"Alpha." Both of the men bowed, showing their respect for Raiden. Then suddenly they turned to her, and bowed as well. "Luna."

Olivia was so caught off guard, she choked on her mouthful of eggs. Immediately her hand flew to cover her mouth, and she shot a look to Raiden.

The man was already sneaking little glances at her, a small, almost miniscule smile at the corner of his mouth. It felt almost insulting.

Like he knew he had control over whatever happened in this pack, and so it seemed, her. It felt like she was being pressured for some kind of role.

At her horrified expression, however, his little smirk dropped immediately, and he was back to his previous, stand-offish expression.

His attention drew back to the two men. He nodded at them. "Doctor. Malfus. Doctor, if you have the time," Raiden paused, his hand gestured to Olivia.

The silence was awkward and long. Olivia was confused on why it was even that way.

"-she needs to be checked up on, again. I think she might have a concussion."

Oh. He didn't know her name. It almost made her want to laugh.

"Of course, Alpha."

The doctor immediately turned his attention to Olivia, standing in front of her while Raiden and the other man talked quietly to the side, discussing whatever it was men of their stature discussed.

Olivia felt a little tense at the presence of the stranger in front of her, but that relaxed a touch when she saw his kind smile and how his eyes wrinkled.

He reminded her of somebody's grandpa, with his peppering hair and stubble.

"Hello dear, may I ask your name?" The doctor asked her.


"Hello, Olivia. That is a beautiful name. May I touch your head so I can properly examine you for a concussion?"

She nodded, her apprehension slowly draining. His voice was so soothing. It was deep and gravelly, like he smoked a little on the side but not too much.

She was going to be okay. He had no reason to hurt her. He was a doctor.

Cool, calloused hands gently touched the side of her head, directing it left and right. A bright light shined in her eyes. She winced, but followed the directions the doctor was gently whispering to her.

Then the light clicked off.

"You definitely have a concussion. Based on previous examinations, it didn't have much to do with your fall. Did you get into a physical fight or altercation at some point prior?"

It suddenly felt like the whole room was looking at her. It made her realize that Raiden was listening in the whole time, even while holding a conversation with somebody else.

Olivia wanted to squirm in her seat.

"Just a minor...altercation." She said.

The doctor tsked in response. "Well be sure to take it easy from now on. Your body's been through a lot."

That she could feel.

She couldn't do anything else but nod.

The doctor turned his direction back to Raiden. Olivia slowly stabbed at her eggs, watching as the three men huddled together, whispering and gossiping in their little circle in the corner. She felt so out of place watching, but there wasn't really much else to do.

She couldn't really hear them much, either, from how low they were whispering.

It only took the men a couple of minutes and few concerned glances before they dispersed.

"Olivia." Awareness prickled along the back of her spine at the sound of Raiden's deep voice saying her name.

He nodded his head to the doorway. "Are you finished?"

She wasn't sure, but it didn't seem like she had much choice in the matter. She pushed away from the table, bringing her plate over to the trash can to scrape the contents.

"What are you doing?" Raiden asked, standing directly behind her. She tried her best to ignore his presence.


Hands grabbed at the plate she was holding, taking it out of her grasp. "You don't need to do that." Raiden said.

He set the plate down on a counter, and let his other hand to hover behind her back. It was effective in stearing her in the direction he wanted, mostly because she did not want him touching her.

Thankfully it didn't seem like he was actually going to grab her. He only hovered annoyingly.

Together, they walked past the two men and up a flight of stairs, where he directed her to a small bedroom.

It had a queen-sized bed with large white sheets. There were two other doors in the room, one looking like a closet, and the other a bathroom. Next to the bed was a dresser. A window was on the wall directly above.

That was all the room was comprised of.

"I have matters to attend to. We got word of an interpack meeting. You'll be staying in this room while I'm gone."

Another order.

Raiden was losing brownie points with her by the second. She didn't even feel like speaking with him anymore. Or being around him, with his body heat caressing her even from three feet away.

Olivia nodded in response, hugging her jacket around her. Her gaze was on the floor.

She heard a sigh from above her.

"I'll be back."

And then the door was shut behind her.

She waited a couple minutes, listening for his footsteps to pad away from the door. After she was sure he was gone, she quietly tried the doorknob.

It wasn't locked.

She could leave.

It was enough reassurance for her to let go, then quietly lock it from the inside. Then she fell into the bed, laying there on top of the blanket, her head face-down into the pillow.

She had enough of an adventure to last her for a lifetime.

For the longest time, as time simply passed her by, she felt nothing laying there. But then the last of the adrenaline and stress wore out, and she simply broke.

She fell asleep sobbing loudly into the pillow, her shoulders shuddering and her breaths heaving.

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