Chapter Four

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Her muscles started to ache. A burn she was unfamiliar with danced across her body, willing her to stop and slowdown.

She couldn't. As much as she wanted to, as heavy as the pants were when they left her snout, she couldn't.

The pack-land was only a day's away from her. By now everyone must have known. Her husband would have known.

This time she could feel herself smile internally, even as fear shot through her at the thought of her husband.

He wasn't her husband anymore. She could finally declare him her ex-husband.

And that, was why she needed to keep moving. Twigs snapped underneath her heels, a path left in her wake. There was a feeling in her chest. Something inside her warned her.

Realistically, she knew they weren't far behind. She wasn't sure how she knew, but if she stopped now she was done for. She couldn't let that happen.

River. She needed to find a river. They were being led on her scent, on her prints in the soil. If she could stop her trail at a river, confuse her scent in the direction, and then push the entire next day, then she could afford herself time to rest.

But there was only one river in the area that she knew of. She wasn't quite headed in that direction, and she would have to re-route her course a little, but it would work. It definitely wasn't the closest to her, but that was okay. She didn't want close. She wanted very, very far.

The only downside she knew of that river was the land on the other side of it.

They called themselves the Red Moon pack. Everyone knew who they were. The Alpha was a bit of a mystery himself, but most people knew his reputation. How fierce and harsh the pack was. How big their lands were, and their population.

If she was going anywhere near or in their area, she had to tread lightly.

She wasn't going from one prison to another.

She'd welcome death before that happened.


Author's Note: Y'all better not come at me for the short chapters in this story LOL

There's longer ones--I swear.

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