A Joke-

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*Mars was just cooking, minding his own business, when Pluto runs up to him, excited.*

Pluto: "Can I tell you a joke?"

Mars: "..No you cannot tell me a joke."

Pluto: "Please! Please! Please!"

Mars: "I am tired. I am trying to cook- You know what? No no. If the joke not funny, I'm hitting you in the head with a pan."

Pluto: *Happi* "Deal!"

Mars: *Sighs* "Go." He says as he keeps one eye on what he was cooking.

Pluto: "Why is 'Dark' spelled with a K and not a C?"

Mars: "...Why."

Pluto: "Because you can't 'C' in the dark! Get it?"

Mars: "..." *Hits Pluto on the head with a pan.*

Pluto: *Immediate pained and crying Pluto noises.* "AAAAUUUAAGHHHH-"

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