Wholesome Earth (Feat. Moon, Phobos, and Deimos)

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(Just some wholesome things with Earth and Mars's Moons-)

*Mars has just dropped off his Moons, Phobos and Deimos, to Earth with no explanation whatsoever and now, Moon and Phobos are fighting over nuzzling rights for nuzzling Earth's face for some reason while Deimos is clinging to Earth's arm, trying not to fall-*

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Phobos: "Mine!" He says as he clings to Earth's face, trying to nuzzle her.

Moon: "No, it's mine!" *Tries to push Phobos off, resulting in her covering Earth's eyes and accidentally temporarily blinding her by punching one of her eyes-*

Earth: *Is panicking, trying to get them off without hurting them, and unknowingly swing Deimos around due to him clinging to her arm-*

Deimos: *Starts crying* "Æhhh- I don't wanna hang on- TOT"

Moon: "NO, this face is MINE. GO AWAY-"

Deimos: "hEY!" *Squeals in fear when Earth accidentally turns him upside down with a certain movement in her arms.* "..I'm upside down, I'm scared.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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