Kitchen Gun-

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*Earth and Saturn decided to film a cleaning commercial for absolutely no reason at all.*

Earth: *Clears her throat.* "Ahem. Alright, I'm ready." She said to Mercury, who was behind the camera.

Mercury: *Gives a thumbs up and begins filming.*

(You can start the video now!)

Earth: *Sighs in frustration as she walks away from a dirty sink to walk a close distance in front of the camera.* "This kitchen is so hard to clean! If only there was an easier way!"

Saturn: *Walks into the camera view and stand next to Earth.* "Hi, I'm Saturn. Say goodbye to daily stains and dirty surfaces with new KITCHEN GUN!" He says as he pulls out an ACTUAL GUN.

Saturn: *Points to the dirty sink.* "This sink is filthy! But from just three shots from Kitchen Gun-" *Proceeds to shoot the sink three times.*


*The sink is now clean.*

"And it sparkles like new!"

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