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*Sun, Saturn, and Jupiter were just sitting down, all sitting on chairs around a table, hanging out.*

Sun: *Walks over to the fridge.* "Hey, Jupiter. You got anything to drink?"

Jupiter: "Yeah. In the fridge."

Saturn: "Hey, Sun. Uh, grab me a glass of malk."

Sun: "We don't have any malk but I can get you a some milk." He says as he side glanced Saturn as he looked inside the fridge.

Jupiter: "...That's what he just said."

Saturn: "Yeah, I said malk."

Sun: *Shuts the fridge door.* "No, you're saying it wrong. You're saying 'Malk' it's a disease."

Jupiter: *He raised an eyebrow before chuckling.* "How do you say it?"

Sun: "I'm saying it the way everyone ought to say it. 'Milk'. M-I-L-K."

Jupiter: "Right. Like 2%."

Saturn: "Right. Like whole malk."

Sun: "No no no. Say milkshake."

Saturn: "...Milkshake."

Sun: "Okay. Now say 'Milk'."

Saturn: "...Malk."

Sun: "..." *Facepalms* "Are you hearing this?" He said as he looked at Jupiter.

Jupiter: "Yeah." *Sips his drink.* "The man wants a glass of molk."

Sun: *Is speechless for a moment.* "...'Molk'?!"

Jupiter: *Slams his hands on the table.* "GIVE HIM THE MOLK, SUN!"

Universe: *Appears.* "Jupiter. Inside voices please."

Jupiter: *Calms down.* "Sorry, Universe. ...My unstable friends."

Universe: *Walks away.*

Saturn: *Is irritated at this point.* "SUN! POUR ME. A GLASS. OF MALK."

Sun: "Why are you yelling at me??"

Jupiter: *Is annoyed.* "Just give him the freakin molk!"

Sun: "You guys aren't even saying the same thing!"

Saturn: "We're all saying malk, Sun!"

Sun: "NO! YOU'RE saying 'Malk'!" He said as he points to Saturn. "You're saying 'Molk'-" he said as he pointed at Jupiter.

Saturn and Jupiter: "Malk, Molk,-BLEHHHHHHH-" they both said as they proceeded to make obnoxious noises.

Sun: *Has both his hands in front of his face, rethinking life, before he just stands up, EXTREMELY angry, his flames EXTREMELY LARGE, reaching his breaking point.* "SHUT UP!!!" He yelled as he takes out a GUN, pointing it at them. "SHUT. UP!!!" He yelled as he now pointed the gun to himself, directly at his head.

Saturn and Jupiter: "..." *They then immediately stand up, taking out their own guns. Jupiter cocks his gun, while Saturn points his at Sun, soon followed by Jupiter as doing so.*

Jupiter: "You better put it down, Sun."

Saturn: "Yeah, don't do it, Sun!"

Sun: *Still has the gun pointed at his head.* "...You're going to shoot me if I shoot myself??? That doesn't make any sense!!!"

Saturn and Jupiter: "..." *They thought for a moment, before pointing their guns at their own heads.*

Jupiter: "PUT IT DOWN, SUN!!!"

Saturn: "PUT IT DOWN!!!"

Sun: *Is having a mental breakdown at this point.* "PUT YOUR GUNS AWAAAAAY-"

Jupiter: *Starts crying a bit as he also starts having a mental breakdown.* "PUT IT DOWN, NOW, COME ON.." He says as he starts crying more.

Sun: *Starts shaking as he starts crying as well.*"I'M GONNA KILL MYSLEF OVER THIS!"

Saturn: *Is also having a mental breakdown as he starts crying as well.* "YOU'RE LIKE A BROTHER TO ME!!


Saturn: "YOU ARE JUST LIKE A BROTHER TO MEEEE-HEE-HEEEEEeeee..." He says as he cries even more.

Sun: *Is screaming at the top of his lungs.*

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