Mercury is Offended-

220 8 34

(Hehehe- here, have some Venus x Mercury stuff-)

Mercury: "I HATE when girls, ESPECIALLY my girlfriend think that we're gonna leave them all the time."

*In a mocking high pitched voice* "oH yOu'Re GoInG tO lEaVe Me BeCaUsE i'M nOt GoOd EnOuGh."

"..WOMAN, I'm lucky I even got YOU. What do you mean?!"

"I am built like a TWIG-"

"I look like every basic planet with gray eyes-"

"You are probably going to be the first and last girlfriend I'll have, I am HIDEOUS-"

"I APPRECIATE you have enough confidence in me that you think I can pull another girl like that, but I really can't-"

"You are STUCK with me-"

"Cause there is NO WAY-"

"Nobody's gonna be lined up at my door like:
"I wanna date HIM"-

"I don't even know how you put up with me half the time-"

"I'm lucky you even looked in my DIRECTION-"

"What do you mean?!"

"Talking I'm about to leave you..WHERE AM I ABOUT TO GO?! WALMART?!"

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