6 x 3-

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*Pluto was currently looking at a piece of paper with Math equations on it, trying to figure out how to do them, with Saturn sitting nearby.*

Pluto: *She clicked her tongue in frustration.*

Saturn: *Notices* "What's the problem?"

Pluto: "Math problems..."

Saturn: "Oh, I can help you! Let me see." He said as he took the paper from Pluto.

"Alright, um...Oh here's an easy one! What's 6 x 3?"

Pluto: *Looks from side to side nervously.* "..."

Saturn: *Looks shocked* "...6 x 3."

Pluto: "I don't know."

Saturn: *Starts getting frustrated.* "6 x 3!!"

Pluto: "I don't-"

Saturn: "6 x 3!!!"

Pluto: "I legit don't know!"

Saturn: "SIX THREES."

Pluto: "I don't know, what is it?!"

Saturn: "What is it?!"


*Totally forgets the answer.*

"...Get your mom."

Pluto: "Why?"

Saturn: "EARTH!" He called.

Earth: *Appears* "What's the problem?"

Saturn: "Homework." He said as he gave Earth the paper.

Earth: *Looks at it.* "...What's 6 x 3?"

Pluto: "I don't know!"

Earth: "6 x 3!"

Pluto: "I DON'T KNOW!"

Earth: *Calms down.* "What's 6 + 6?"

Pluto: *Perks up.* "Oh! 12!"

Earth: "NOW ADD SIX."

Pluto: "I don't know! What is it?!"

Earth: "What is it?!"


*Also completely forgets the answer.*

"...Get your Math teacher."

Pluto: "WHO?!"

Earth: "UNIVERSE!"

Universe: *Appears* "BOOM! What?"

Earth: "Homework." She said as she handed the paper to Universe.

Universe: *Looks at it and then looks completely done with everyone and everything.* "...I TAUGHT YOU THIS! What's 6 x 3?"

Pluto: "I don't know!"

Universe: *Sighs* "LOOK. If Johnny has 6 x 3 amount of dish soap, how much dish soap would he have?"

Pluto: "How much?"

Universe: "How much?!"


*Also completely forgets the answer.*

*Saturn, Earth, and Pluto are now just looking at him, shocked.*

Universe: *Slowly looks down at his hands and proceeds to start counting with his fingers.* "...1, 2, 3, 4-"

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