The Worst Game of Truth or Dare-

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*Mars, Earth, Mercury, and Venus were all sitting together in a circle, playing Truth or Dare.*

Venus: *Looks at Mercury.* "Truth or DARE?" She asks, enthusiastically.

Mercury: "Dare! Come on!"

Venus: "I dare you to...wear your hat BACKWARDS!"

Mercury: "Noooooooo!" He whines a little as he flips the hat he was wearing backwards.

Venus: "*Is dying of laughter*"

Earth: "Go on, Mars. It's your go!"

Mars: *Looks at Venus.* "Truth or Dare?"

Venus: "Dare!"

Mars: "I dare you to...not exist."

*Everyone was silent for a moment.*

Venus: "...What?-" *Disappears from existence*

Mercury: *Looks absolutely HORRIFIED.* "Where'd she go?!"

Mars: *Smirks menacingly.* "Mercury. Truth or Dare?"

Mercury: "It's not your go anymore!"

Mars: *Ignores him as his tone changes to warning.* "Truth...Or Dare." He repeated.

Mercury: "Truth! I-I pick truth!"

Mars: *He chuckles as the menacing mood slowly disappears.* "Is it true don't exist?"

Mercury: "What? NO-" *Also disappears from existence.*

Earth: "*Muttering things to calm herself down.*"

Mars: *Slowly looks at Earth, smirking more.* "Earth..."

Earth: "Oh gosh, please no!"

Mars: "Truth or Dare?"

Earth: "I don't want to die-"


Earth: "DARE! Okay!" She finally answered, shaking in fear.

Mars: "I dare you to put your glasses on upside down!"

Earth: "...Oh...okay.." *Puts the glasses she was wearing upside down.*

Mars: "And if you ever fix them, I'll kill you."

Earth: "AAAA-"

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