Saturn Was Having a Nap-

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Jupiter: "Okay, now that you're all dressed up, all you need to do is act like Saturn." He says, talking to Sun, who was dressed up as Saturn, a very unbelievable version of him for that matter.

Sun: "...Now why would you even pick me for this? Also, I can't act like Saturn, because I'm NOT Saturn. I'm a star, not an actor."

Jupiter: *Rubs his temple, annoyed.* "Yes, we've established that. BUT. We need a replacement since Saturn is dead-"

Saturn: *Walks in*

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Jupiter: *Jumps out of surprise.* "I thought you were dead!"

Saturn: "No, I was just down here having a nap. What is going on??"

Jupiter: "..You were very still, I poked you-"

Saturn: "I'm a a very sound sleeper-SORRY- You thought I was dead? And instead of calling for help or getting an ambulance, you got someone to dress up as an oversize version of me-" *Points to Sun dressed up as him.*

"And started singing show tunes??!"

Jupiter: "...The show must go on-"

Saturn: "OH THIS IS-"

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