CHAPTER 29: Years In The Making

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After last being with Alex, I had found out he and ole girl had called it off. I'm not one to wish or pray on someone's downfall, but this right here had ended up working out in my favor. And I couldn't help but feel giddy. In a way, I do feel kind of bad for Devin. You have to look at it from her perspective. Just to get led on and mixed up in the situation like this, have to be critical. If I'm being real, I had to admit that, but on the other hand, theirs me is saying yes, and fuck her for trying to get in between me and my baby. So imma just play it out respectfully and just stay neutral on it, and keep my intrusive thoughts to myself on that last part. So I waited out and when my class was over I had gone to my locker, to put my book away. As putting my book away I was multitasking, my arm was putting the book
back while my eyes were roaming the hallway for a familiar set of brown eyes and brown hair. I looked over twice, but nothing. But I did catch Lincoln walking down with Tobey not gar on his trail. I singled for them to come over to me. Lincoln stared at me for a sec and rolled his eyes, while Tobey nudged him for being rude, and made his way towards me first.

"Hey Dre, what's up, you ok". Tobey seemed to me. While Lincoln just stood there with his arms crossed, looking annoyed. " Can we hurry this up, I got something to do and Tobes is my ride". Tobey looked back at him before turning back to me, with an apologetic smile. "Damn, what's wrong with you, but yes, I got something to ask y'all. Where's the 3rd musketeer to your trio"? "Tee, I'm just going to wait for you in the parking lot" Lincoln brushed between me and Tobey, making sure to bump my shoulder on purpose. "By loser, and Tee you got 5 minutes" yelling the last part without looking back as he made his way towards the exit. Shaking his head, Tobey turned back to me. " I swear he's so dramatic for no reason"
"First off, what the fuck is wrong with him" Tobey looked at me and gave a smirk. Tobey leaned I to me and stood on his tiptoes, while I leaned down a bit. " If I'm being honest, I think, it's more so a Mason problem. And that issue can be only resolved with you know what". Tobey made hand gestures, and giggled. Oh, I see ole boy mad he's going to miss his little dick appointment. That's why he was acting all stink and all. I had to snicker a little. " Well that explains it, ole mean ass" Tobey just shook his head" Go on, what did you have to tell me, before we were rudely interrupted".

"Oh yeah but where's my baby at, he was not in class, noir his ass was nowhere in the halls". Tobey kept trying to avoid contact after asking him again. "You know where he is, don't you". Tobey acting all flustered and fiddling with his fingers gave his little ass away. " Tobes look I heard what happened, and I know Alex is probably going through it, so tell me where he is, so I can be with him". I can tell that Tobey was definitely conflicting on what to do. I do understand too because that's your best friend. You don't want him to get hurt. I believe deep down, Tobey knows it's the right thing to do because he knows I'm right for Alex. "Fine, plus I've been routing for you guys, since the moment he told me. He actually left earlier, from I'm
Sure you guessed the whole blow up here him and Devin, he's probably at home".  "Fuck, thanks Tobes, I owe you one". I ran down the halls making my way towards the exit, when i
Heard. "And Dre". "Yes" I replied. "Please don't mess this up, I'm counting on you". I nodded and gave a quick smile, and turned around, making my way towards the parking lot.

Time Skip

I've been sitting outside Alexs house for the past 10min just trying to think of the right words to say to him right now. He just broke off with someone he potentially has some type of feelings for. And here comes me right here ready to swoope him from off his feet. Part of me thinks it's too soon, while the other parts been longing for this moment to make it's way to reality. We both know we harbor feelings for each other, but what exactly do in this predicament. Well first I can't keep sitting my ass in this goddamn car waiting for something to happens. I took a deep breath and unlocked my car, and got out of it. I slowly made my way towards his gate keypad and typed in the pin. And made the long walk up his long driveway. I was right in front of his door, where I reached up above the porch light to retrieved the spare key the kims keep hidden outside the house, just for emergency. I unlocked the door, and placed the let back. Immed walking in I could hear music blasting, leading up to my baby's room. I made my way to the kitchen to grab him some medicine and water, cause I know Alex long enough to know, when he bawls his eyes like he did today his going to get a headache. I closed the cabinet and trailed my way towards the steps, following the sound of what I can call for as his sad playlist, the song at the moment play was Billie Eillish Tv.

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