CHAPTER 20: Dinner for two

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Author Note: This was supposed to go out on Sunday but I decided to post it today because I have been M.I.A with the story 😭. And the Next chapter will be uploaded on Mon or Tuesday so stay tuned loves 🫶

Mason Pov:

We reached this restaurant I didn't even knew existed at this part of town. But hey I'm not mad at all, plus it's M's treat and she was picking the place. We went into the restaurant and before we could get situated to our table, some people stopped M and hugged her. After a while of me just standing there taking in the establishment and casually, ease dropping on M and their conversation, not like it was on purpose I literally was standing 2 feet away from her. After a while M turned and apologized and introduced me to her cousin Brandon who actually is the manger there, from their he took us to our seats and told us our food was on the house. In which I was happy on my free meal😏.

" Sooo whats been up with you that it's so complicated and fucking up your funk, love". I looked her like damn, can't we get situated first 😒😂. But out of instinct I just let out a laugh lol, I really wasn't expecting her to ask me that off the bat. "Well it's about the whole...". Before I can continue she stopped me, with place her fingers on my lips. " Dont tell me, is it that whole unrequited love or crush you have on Lincoln". I looked down at her finger that was placed on my lips, and shifted my eyes to her and lifted my eyebrows, so she can removed her fingers off me. " well like I was about to say before your ass rudely interrupted me, 😒 yess matter of fact it is about him". Once I confirmed that she looked at me with an annoyed expression on her face. "Are you serious Mase, you still hung up on him, i'd think you'd be on to next broad, by now, but guess I was wrong".

As soon as she said that my smile began to halter, and I looked at her blankly. M noticed my quick change of emotions and placed her hands on top of mines, and rubbed her thumbs on the outer layer. " Mase I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you, it's just giving you're track record ,you're not exactly the type to fall for someone, and you always told me you don't do relationships. So sue me if I came off all hostile, you know I love you, and want what's best for you so tell me more about, this so called mystery boy who's stolen my masey heart". After hearing that I felt more calm and at ease, Oh for the next 30 minutes I sat they're filling in M on the situation with Lincoln, while we occasionally eat our dinner.

Time skip

Me and M got so warped up in our conversation we didn't realize it was getting late, and the sun was setting. Me and Mckyla took our leftovers to go, and thanked Brandon again for the free dinner on our way out the restaurant. We were now standing right in front of my car when M suddenly, turned around and had the giddest smile on her face. A face I knew all to well with our years of friendship. " Nope whatever idea you concocted in that little head of yours ain't happening". I said that as I tapped her forehead and held a stern face. "But you haven't even heard it, I promise it's not one of my dumb one's, and who knows it might help you getting a lil someone to see what their missing". She said that with the most coy expression while struggling her shoulders.

I looked at Mckyla with an unknowingly expression, leading to a stare off between us in the parking lot. We did that for a minute until I caved in. "If I were to say yes, what exactly are you thinking, what's your plan". She just held a grin and pulled me into the car. "Ok here's what I'm thinking Mase, me and you are going to pretend to be a thing, to get Lincoln jealous". I was quite skeptical and apprehensive about until I nodded. "Ok but what's the catch seems to good to be true 😑, so spill". M rolled her eyes before she spoke. " Sometimes I hate how you know me so much, but fine I kinda got a thing for Lindsey Weber, but I'm not sure whether she likes me or not, it's always mixed signals. So I figured by me helping you out, it's a win-win for both of us. That way I kill two birds with one stone, soooo.., what do you think.

I thought about for a moment, and reflected on the pros and cons until I decided why not. " I say to hell with it, lets get our babies" 😏

"Pleasure doing business with you sir, now take my ass home, before I get even more in trouble". We both laughed, as we put on our seat belts and pulled out the parking lot.


So what did you think of this chapter, are you on board with Mckyla and Masons plan? Are y'all a fan of Mckyla?, How do you feel Alex handled things last chapter with the whole Dre, and Devin situation?

Are you Team Devin + Alex or Alex + Dre

make sure to vote and comments, so I know you guys are liking the story so far?

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