CHAPTER 15: I Think I Like You ?

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Lincoln POV:
I've been ignoring Mason for the majority of my time seeing him. Every time I see him passing by, turn a corner, or even him spotting me I duck and run away. I just can't phantom a reality in where I'm kissing and feeling a type of way towards Mason. What had happened 3 weeks ago at Andrews party, keeps replaying in my head. The way he admitted he like me and just kissed me like that. And the fact I actually kissed him back and didn't stop him, noir felt disgusted is baffling me, for the most part. But that kiss, and the way he held me like that. Ahhhh has me screaming in my head and out loud. It actually felt really good. I could still feel the kiss on my lips and him looking in my eyes adoringly, if I close my eyes tight enough, I'll just see it.

And it doesn't help I'm not allowed to forget because Mason keeps blowing up my phone to get in contact with me, no matter what I do, I've even blocked him, but he still found away to relay the message wither it's through Alex, or Tobey, even passing notes to me through class, and sticking sticky notes all over my locker . He just won't let up, a part of me is annoyed by his antics, but my other half actually love's that he's trying so hard to get me. The way he made he's way too my mind, so easily after one kiss. It's so annoying but anyways.
Currently I'm in dance class trying to focus on the newest choreography we will be performing, at the up coming game this Friday, and I can't even focus, my brain been occupied on his ass, already Ms. Wilson our dance coach has called me out to pay attention 3 times today. I tried to regain my focus but suddenly at the corner of my eyes I saw Mason at the glass window in the front of the dance studio. " For fuck sakes" I let out lowly, so Ms. Wilson wouldn't give me another one of her strikes. When I looked up again he was no where to be found. I let out a breath of relaxation, but that was quickly taken away from me, because when I had looked up, I immediately locked eyes with just the person I was trying to avoid. "Hey you can't be in here young man, I'm going to have to ask you to leave right now or..." but before Ms. Wilson Could finish Mason grabbed my arm and was pulling me out the dance studio. " I'll be right back Ms.Wilson I promise" I gave her an apologetic smile in hope she'd let it go, but by the look of the face she was making this was leading to my 3rd strike. I'll have to persuade her after I'm done with this Moron. I then rolled my eyes 🙄.
As we made our way through the halls, he then suddenly pulled me into room, in which I figured it was the janitors closet based on the strong smell of the cleaning supplies. As we were fiddling around to find the light switch, I ended up reaching out to grab the wrong thing 😳. And at that rt moment Mason found the light switch and had turned on the lights, and the first sight he saw was my blushing embarrassed face. " uhhh... I'm sorry" was all that could escape my lips in the exact match moment. " If you wanted to feel all up on me, you could have just asked 😌" he said with his cocky smirk of his. I quickly gained back my composure, and said " only in your dreams love, now back up off me". " I wish I could darling but as you could see there is literally no space in this fucking closet 🙄"
"So why tf did you drag me here for, cuz as you could see I was busy with practice " I was now looking up at him, God damn why did he have to be so tall 😩. I was now staring into his gorgeous blue eyes, they felt like I was looking at the clear blue sky, wait ✋ wtf am I saying, ahhh. He titled his head down, so now he was looking at me. " You know what I want princess don't play dumb with me, you've been dodging me for 2 weeks now, I've thought of everything in the book to get in contact with you.
I stirred my attention to elsewhere, until he grabbed my chin, and pulled it to look in his direction. " So you just going to stay quiet and ignore me" of course I'mma try to ignore him, I don't want to imitate the truth, which is I'm kinda feeling him too. I was now looking at up at Mason, "I mean I guess, I just can't answer that rt now, ok". I probably could answer that, because I knew if he had told me he liked me on more time, I'd spill out my guts, and let him know about my feelings 😩😳.

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