Chapter 115

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I let out an aching groan as I woke up with my head feeling like it was shooting out a cannonball before realizing I was on Ezra's side of the bed. It's freezing, smoothing underneath my skin, and at this second, I want to rip off my clothes and lay here naked to feel the cold sheets and pillow against my skin.


While slipping out of bed, I couldn't sleep with the amount of tossing and turning. I continually think about how my life got turned upside down since coming back home. I knew my family was screwed up but not as screwed up to keep secrets, such as my father assaulting my mother and Angela knowing about it.

The only present I want for Christmas is a new family if you can find one and wrap it to put a pretty bow.

I don't even bother putting the light on as going to the bathroom, but I stop in my tracks when I hear Ezra talking to someone on the phone in the living room; I quietly tiptoe to the door, and luckily, I still have my sock so he doesn't know I'm hearing is conversation and press my ear.

I can't clearly hear anything, but the last words are a knife to the heart, "See you soon. Can't wait either. It will be great,". I turn around and lock the door because I don't want to see his face. I might throw up mentally and physically due to him talking to someone this late and telling them he was seeing them soon. How soon?

As soon as I fall asleep in his arms, he can slip away and drive to some girl's place to have sex, but I think I'm jumping towards the gun, and maybe he was talking to his mother and apologizing, but I'm talking about Ezra—the boy with eyes who melt you and break you at the same time. The same boy who lasted had a secret phone call, and I got ripped to pieces. Moments later, I heard footsteps getting closer to the door. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door.

"Rachel?" Ezra whispers in the room. I hold my breath to be silent, my whimpers, and wipe the small tear, "Rachel?" he knocks on the bathroom and slides my back down the door, "I'm in here."

"Are you okay?" he jiggles on the door handle.

"Yeah," I lie through my teeth, "Just not feeling good," I tell him as I bring my knees closer to my chest and wait here until he's gone. My heart is burning out of pain as much as my skin is.


I'm still in bed from waking up fifteen minutes ago, but I'm too lazy and comfortable to actually get up until the front door is constantly being knocked on. Whoever is here better have a good reason; open the door to notice the kitchen light is. It lights up towards the living room where Ezra slept since he didn't try to unlock the bedroom. I don't even bother picking up where there are throw pillows and blankets everywhere.

"Coming," I yell out, walking to the door with blurry eyes, and I don't believe what's in front of me when opening the door, "Mom?".

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