Chapter 116

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I woke up extra early to get to the airport. I'm all ready to get the fuck out of this long wait line and go back to bed because now, every time going to an airport gives me a bad taste in my mouth as only going to a jam-packed airport to seduce her towards my sinful ways. However, now I'm waiting on Rachel's mother to get off her plane, and I still have a bad taste in my mouth. Angela seemed excited to come when I talked to her; she booked the cheapest flight while we spoke. I could tell Rachel was starting to get homesick even though the last time she went home wasn't planned from the start.

The nervous knots in my stomach are getting much tighter than they were five minutes ago, hoping that she doesn't know what happened to Rachel and me when we were together. I mean, I don't know if we are together since we never made it official. I'm not saying we must make it 'Instagram official' or such, but I need to know we are on the same track. I feel so silly holding up a sign saying 'Angela Baker.'

"Are you Ezra?" a woman taps me on the shoulder. I turn around, and it's Angela. I didn't get a close look at her when going to Rachel's childhood house, with her hair that shows gray hair in the roots and looking like she didn't sleep much, "Yes. It's good to see you again,".

"You too. Ugh, I'm sorry I look like this. I didn't get much sleep,". I was right, "I hate flying as much as the kid behind was constantly kicking my seat. My back is a pretzel," she jokes. I laugh and grab her suitcase.

While driving back to the apartment, I told Angela that she could catch up on some sleep due to the lack of sleep from flying for four hours. I was hoping to talk to her, and hopefully, she won't bring up the conversation that Rachel probably told her about the deal I made with my idiotic friends, who are worth less than a worthless penny.

I didn't want to bother her, so I dropped the conversation and let her sleep and kept driving, including the stop I made to get gas and snacks from the gas station, yet I was still excited to see Rachel's reaction along the way.


"Are you okay?" I ask Angela when we are in front of the door.

"Yeah, just nervous," she nods and answers.

"Why nervous?".

"Because the last time she saw me wasn't the visit she planned," she says, gripping her suitcase handle tightly. I touch her shoulder in comfort, "You will be fine. She will be shocked at first but excited," I tell her and knock on the door.

Moments later, hard footsteps are coming towards the door, then opens, "Mom?".

A sigh of relief is lifted off Angela's shoulders, "Hi honey," she greets and hugs her. It warms my heart to see Rachel this happy, and her eyes narrow at me, and she mouths out, 'Thank you.' I smile at her.

Once Angela is settled in the guest room, which is also the office room, I spend countless hours writing in the journals that need to be burned. Angela and Rachel are in the kitchen catching up while Rachel grabs a couple of things to make an omelet when Angela starts talking about the promotion that her brother Trent got.

"Well, if it's okay, I'm going to take a shower because that flight took me out. Is there a shower I can use when you cook?" She jumps down from the step stool. She's much shorter than I thought she was due to the knee-high boots she was wearing, "Yeah. I will show it to you. Follow me," I guide her to the bedroom.


I turn the shower handle on to the hottest water it can get, "Okay, the hot water runs a little cold at first, but it will be hot in a few seconds," I tell Angela, then jump off, not knowing she's up against my face. She closed the door, "What the hell is wrong with you?" I whispered. Fuck, she knows.

"You know?" I look at the door and hope Rachel is not behind the door and hear this, "Of course, I know. How could I not know that someone like you wouldn't do anything unforgettable to my daughter? What you did it's unexplainable, and I don't know why or how she's so forgiving, especially what you did to her?" she acknowledged.

"I know what I did, and I'm not proud, but I'm trying to make amends with her," I admit it's like it's a sick joke, " I don't believe you from the way you look and how you are. You are exactly like her father. The only thing that you know how to do is how to use people like her for your own sake,".

I sit down on the toilet, rub the back of my head, " Look, I know you must hate me, and I don't blame you, so let's agree with both because this conversation never happened for her," I beg and if she wants me to go down on my knees to not ripe me in pieces, I would.

"I know you think that the sick game you're trying to play is a joke playing her like that. It's not a sick joke, but because I love my daughter, I'm doing this for her, not for you. Okay?". I nod in agreement as I walk out of the bathroom and close the door.

As much as I hate that Angela was right, she was right about how I don't even know how Rachel was so forgiving of my wrongs and mistakes. I hate myself for everything, even with my agreement with Angela, but I wanted to keep her safe and protect her from getting hurt again. Nothing sounds more like the holidays than faking a smile.

I return to the living room, and it looks much nicer and cleaner, with Rachel lighting a candle that smells like sugar cookies from Bath and Body. Rachel sees me standing in front of her and wraps her arms around me, "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I love it. I love you," she thanks me and kisses my cheek.

"You're welcome," I tell her, "I'm going to make another omelet since you are probably burning your first one," I joke, and she hits me with a dish towel and returns to the stove.

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