Charlie Johnson: Hell's already walking the Earth... but not if I can bring it back!
Two demons were summoned to Earth for nefarious reasons. As a new and young Ghost Rider, Charlie Johnson has a dangerous task on returning a Princess of Hell and a...
As the sun began to rise, laying in bed with his bed cover open, was Charlie "CJ" Johnson, wearing a black t-shirt with white words saying "Not now! I'm sleeping!", and dark blue shorts on. He was still in a big snooze, when his digital alarm buzzed loudly five minutes ago. He grumbled with irritation, as he tried to turn that annoying sound off. Lifting his body up, he then made his way to the bathroom. He had his toothbrush and toothpaste in hand, when he heard the same deep voice from last night in his head.
???: Rough night, wasn't it?
CJ groaned at those words. Even though he arrived home a little late that night, the moment he went to sleep, he began to have the same dreams he had been experiencing.
CJ: You could say that again. I kept dreaming about this city, where it's mostly red all the time. I don't know where it is, or what's in it, but then, I saw two girls. One of them had white skin and red circles on her cheeks, and the other looked like a goth humanoid owl. They looked like they were scared of something, too. It was really weird.
He waited for a reply, and after a three seconds, the voice answered.
???: What can I say? There are moments when dreams can send some kind of messages.
Hearing this raised CJ's right eyebrow.
CJ: What do you mean?
???: Heh. How should I know? I'm not a dream catcher.
CJ scoffed at that and replied sarcastically. It's still a little early to mess with his head.
CJ: Thanks for your choice of feedback, Zarathos.
As CJ began to brush his teeth, the one he called "Zarathos" let out an amused chuckle. What most people don't realize, is that Zarathos was the mysterious being behind the Ghost Rider. Anytime time CJ transforms, it would be his doing. As he spit out mouth wash, CJ proceeded back to his room, and changed his sleeping clothes to an orange t-shirt, blue jeans, a black jacket with a white upside-down U stripe on the front, fingerless gloves, dark gray and white shoes, and a Black Rosary around his neck. This rosary was a special item CJ kept real close with him at all times. He couldn't let anyone take it from him for a good reason.
After having scrambled eggs, sausages, and orange juice for breakfast, he drove in his 1970 Dodge Charger towards Fontana High School.
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It was another day of schoolwork for the week, and today also happens to be the night before Halloween. Even though some people call that night, "Devil's Night," this night wasn't something CJ would celebrate. To him, it sounded like something that celebrates vandalism and arson, which results many crimes and sins being committed. He doesn't understand why something like that should be celebrated.