Part 1 | Ch. 11 - Fire Spells

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The torches that hung from the ceiling of the Undercroft were lit, flickering on the stone as the metal gate shut behind me. I made my way into the space, my heels clicking with each step, which made me feel far too overdressed.

There he was standing in the center of the room, his back turned to me as he leaned against a stone column. His white button up shirt tugging at his arm muscles underneath. I hated my eyes for betraying me as they raked up and down his body.

I approached, my breathing stuttering and my heartbeat picking up. I nervously played with my hair, running my hands through the brown and blonde strands, twisting them at the ends.

Sebastian causally turned around as I got closer, almost as if he was waiting for me to be the right distance away.

We stared at each other for a long time, taking in the years we had missed. His brown hair more tame than in school, but still deliberately messy. A short dark stubble grew on his chin, cheeks, and upper lip which he mindlessly rubbed with his fingertips. I could practically feel the scratch of his facial hair between my thighs. His discerning brown eyes were like pools of melted chocolate, soaking up every detail of who I had become. He was trying to be calm, casual, but I knew deep down, he was just as nervous as I was. The tell tale sign was always when he was fidgeting with the knot of his tie, sliding the fabric back and fourth, something he was doing now.

I could feel my heart pounding in my throat, sweat forming on my palms as he examined me carefully.

I hadn't seen or heard from Sebastian Sallow in ten years and here we were, meeting for the first time since our awful breakup in the exact same place where our relationship thrived. It was a strange feeling being able to see the outlines of our love in the very stone that we stood on, that surrounded us. Seeing the broken crates we'd used for a quick fix of each other's bodies, the heap of cushions by our feet for longer lovemaking sessions. My cheeks heated at the thought of our naked bodies in the dingy hideout, glistening with sweat and satisfaction.

Despite running the scenario over in my mind hundreds of times, I didn't think I'd ever see Sebastian again. My mind went completely blank and I was unable to grasp a single fleeting thought. The silence was louder than the words we couldn't speak.

After a minute, he broke the stillness in the air because I couldn't.

"G," his voice cracked but his hardened exterior remained composed.

How was it that hearing him say my nickname, the one that only a select few had the honor of using, after all these years still made me weak at the knees? I felt them buckle beneath me.

"Sebastian," my voice a whisper, my heart fluttering with each beat. I took a wobbly step closer.

"Are you avoiding me?" He cut right to the chase, his voice regaining itself. He crossed his arms in a rigid stance and I was brought out of my shocked daze.

I stared back, unable to produce a coherent sentence, "what?" I opened and closed my mouth, trying to find the words. No amount of preparing could've helped me in this situation, I was completely caught off guard.

I continued to study him because that's all I could do. There was a heavy darkness behind his eyes, more than I remembered. His forearms were more muscular, flexing as he shifted his weight. Was he taller? The top of my head now lined up with his shoulder instead of his ears. He tapped his foot, waiting for an answer.

"You basically live right next to me. I saw you at the library and in the Great Hall a few times." He pressed on with a scowl. "What, figured you'd continue ignoring me like you've done for the past ten years?" He spat.

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