Part 1 | Ch. 34 - White Hot

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Willow's stance in the doorway of her and Ominis' bedroom was rigid, unforgiving. 

"I had a feeling you'd be in here," she tapped her temple with her fingertip.

"I was just-" I couldn't explain myself, I shouldn't have been snooping but the curiosity got the best of me. If she opted to tell Sebastian, he'd never trust me again.

"I'm not going to say anything." She responded, as if she was reading my mind. I could have sworn I saw her eyes change colors on their own.

"You're a Seer." I concluded by the countless Seer books on the shelf, it was an obvious assumption.

"I come from a family of Seers and I am one myself." Willow inched menacingly closer, her eyes now filled with an empty blackness.

"What do you want?" I shook my head, stepping back and lowering my gaze at her.

"I want you to stay out of our business, I want you to stop seeing Sebastian because you're a dangerous person and he's done just fine without you." Her voice cracked, she clearly cared for him, likely because Ominis did. Whatever information about me he told her was convincing enough that she would go so far to defend him too. "And I always get what I want."

"He's no some fragile boy, he's a strong and capable man. And he's so much more than his past." I stiffened my posture, making myself look more threatening.

"The past that you helped create." Willow stepped towards me, as if she was a hungry Mongrel waiting to pounce on her prey. The problem with that is I'm not a weak Puffskein, oblivious to the predator before them. I'm a rugged Graphorn, eloquent but when crossed, full of determination to protect those I love.

White hot magic once again pricked at the tips of my fingers, growing rapidly in temperature and burning the ends of my nails. The pressure was building inside me, breathing into my lungs and filling my veins with a glowing molten liquid. I began to lose myself, becoming engulfed in the overwhelming power. It was as if I was standing in a stormy ocean, the tidal waves swirling and crashing through me.

This ancient magic inside me had been so strong that it could whip Ashwinders back and fourth until their bodies cracked in half. So mighty, the goblin army I had faced was obliterated into dust at the snap of my fingers. Part of me usually blocked out the sheer power that lapped at the shores of my skin, trying to forget what I went through in the repository. This time, I let the emotions take over, consuming me in hatred and fire.

"Gianna!!" A voice screamed, the magic dragging me further down. Being out of practice, I had lost total control. Two sturdy hands squeezed on my wrists, hauling me out of the heaviness. Then, a forceful slam, my body pulsating from the magic within as I was tossed on a bed with a thump. My eyes returning to me, the burning sensation fading from my fingers, the world around me coming back into focus. I was in the master bedroom, slumped over on the soft, silky bed.

"What the fuck do you think you were doing!?" It was Sebastian. He was yelling, his freckled face twisted with pain.

I stared at my hands, truly remembering the exploding power that lived inside my skin and bones. I hadn't unleashed it in quite some time, hadn't felt the building vibrations through my core in ages.

"You could have killed her!" His seething words were like echos, reverberating off the walls.

"She threatened me," I didn't recognize my own voice, the coolness of my tone.

"She threatened you? You were the one about to burst her into nothing if I hadn't stopped you." Sebastian was pacing the room, his hands frantically messing through his hair.

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