Part 1 | Ch. 24 - Instigate *

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The next two days, Sebastian and I were virtually inseparable. We spent our time rotating between eating meals in the Great Hall together, walking outside by the Black Lake, and tangled in each other behind closed doors. We were finally catching up on the time that was lost, filling the emotional and physical voids we both accumulated over the years.

On Sunday, the morning of the student's arrival, I woke up with Sebastian's arms draped around me. I had stayed in his room for the second night in a row and I wasn't sure I could go ever back to sleeping alone again. The light from the window gleamed in, tickling his freckled skin. He snored lightly, his bare chest rising and falling peacefully as he slept. I hadn't had a nightmare since sharing a bed with him, something we rarely got to do even when we were dating. Our idea of a sleepover was on the cold floor of the Undercroft, our pillows and blankets not comfy enough for an entire night. Most of the time we'd wake up stiff and in pain from the hard stone.

"Ugh, we need to bring some more pillows and blankets down here. Can't we just conjure up a bed?" Sebastian whined, adjusting the silk pillow under his head for a third time.

"I guess we could, I hadn't thought of that." I shifted on his arm, eliminating any space between us and using his body for warmth.

"The brightest, most brilliant witch in our seventh year hasn't thought to conjure up a simple bed for our hideout?!" Sebastian tickled me on my side under the blanket.

"Hey!" I laughed, tickling him back.

"You'll never win in a tickle fight, I'd bet all my galleons on it," he pushed his way on top of me, his fingers roaming both of my sides now as I giggled uncontrollably.

Just as the laughing began to make my stomach cramp, he moved his hands to my face, kissing me deeply. I loved that our passion almost always started with laughter.

Sebastian paused his kiss, "Bed or no bed, I'm just glad we can be alone together."

"Me too, as long as Ominis doesn't show up unannounced." I added, "he hasn't been himself, he's been really distant."

"He'll come around, I think he's just not used to me being so consumed by someone else all the time. But how could I not be?" He leaned in to my lips, bringing me in close again.

"I just want things to go back to normal between the three of us," I murmured just before our mouths met.

"Normal? Is this not normal?" He smirked, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"For us yes, but for him, not so much. Maybe he feels left out." I added.

"Are you saying you want him to join us?" Sebastian pretended to be offended, "I can't say I'd be interested in sharing you."

I shoved him playfully, "I'm just saying, we need to spend time with him too, he's still our friend."

Sebastian groaned, pulling me in by my waist. "Good morning, beautiful." His voice was full of sleep, a low growl.

"Good morning," I said back, draping my leg over him, noticing a hardness between his legs. We had fallen asleep naked after having sex for the third time yesterday, exhausted and satiated. I couldn't get enough of him, even if I had been weary of him after overhearing his conversation with Garreth in the dungeons a few nights ago. It seemed like a distant dream.

I grabbed him and began stroking with my hand, slowly waking him up and initiating another round. He closed his eyes, gasping at my touch while reaching for me, his fingers exploring inside.

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