Part 1 | Ch. 20 - Horklump Juice *

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The days flew by leading up to the students' return as all of the professors frantically readied their classrooms, putting finishing touches on lesson plans, and trying to shake off the new school year jitters. We were just a few days away from a flood of young witches and wizards wandering about the castle in chaos.

Sebastian and I didn't avoid each other in the days that passed but we didn't really make an effort to spend time together either. I wanted to give him space and let him begin to truly heal from the past. He'd come to me when he was ready, no matter how difficult it was to be patient.

The Headmaster interrupted my quiet lunch. He was sweating, his hair damp from the salty beads on his forehead. He continued huffing and puffing as he sat down.

"Are you okay?" I asked, putting my sandwich down and brushing the crumbs off my fingers and onto my napkin.

He whipped out a copy of The Daily Prophet, slamming it down on the wooden surface of the table as he caught his breath.

The moving photo of a nervous Garreth Weasley caught my eye first. He was standing by the entryway of an office at the Ministry, talking to a visibly upset Professor Sharp. The two clearly did not want their photograph taken as the flash went off, startling them both.

The headline read: 'Young Headmaster of Hogwarts crumbling with ongoing investigation.'

I scanned the article below, which began with, "The youngest Hogwarts Headmaster in history, Garreth F. Weasley, faltering as Wiggenweld investigation heats up. Former Potions Master Professor Sharp is stumped with the poisonous concoctions, citing he 'has never seen a mixture quite as dangerous as this one'. The two were seen arguing outside the Department of Mysteries, clearly agitated by the press' inquiries. Hundreds have died and thousands more are expected to be in danger. It's speculated that the poison is moving to other potions but the Ministry refuses to comment on the matter. More on page 2."

I looked up at Garreth who was wiping the sweat off his face and burying his head in his hands. I'd be panicking if I were in his shoes too.

"Hey, it's going to be okay," I said softly, flipping the newspaper upside down and setting it out of his direct line of vision.

"This is a total disaster!" Garreth cursed under his breath, "We're doing everything we can but whoever is behind this is evolving, they aren't poisoning just Wiggenweld anymore. Now they've moved onto Erudus potions." He was whispering but I could feel the frustration coming through his words as he gritted his teeth. "Whose to say they won't move onto something else after that?"

Erudus was a defensive potion, one I used quite a bit as an Auror when I knew I was up against a particularly tough group of poachers. Poppy would proactively send me a few vials for the more difficult cases I'd been assigned to. If I had consumed a poisoned one, I would have died. The thought sent chills up and down my spine.

"We told the Ministry to warn against any use of potions that hadn't been brewed by the drinker themselves but they don't want to cause an uproar. They're worried about the local economies." He took a breath, "The Wizarding World is up in arms, it's spreading everywhere. There was a death in America." Garreth returned his head to his hands, shaking it angrily. "This is so much bigger than any of us."

"I'll do what I can to help." I added even though I was completely stumped too.

"Are you talking to Sebastian again?" He asked changing the subject, a sharpness lingering in his tone, "I thought I saw you two having breakfast the other day." 

"Oh—yeah it's nothing." I wasn't sure why I felt the need to brush it off. "Just trying to be civil now that we have to work so closely together." I said, my mind flooding with thoughts of Sebastian's lips on my neck, moving slowly down my collarbone... "Let me see if I can dig up any more information from the Library and I'll get back to you." I desperately needed to leave before Garreth could notice how flustered I had become at the mention of the new Potions Master.

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