Chapter 10: Kidnapping Frank and Eddie

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Wally was very very unhappy, and he knew exactly where the two were located. Frank Frankly and Eddie Dear. He went to Frank's house, coming in without invitation. Frank and Eddie were hiding upstairs in the room. They knew Wally was there. Slowly, Wally came up the stairs, humming a disturbing tune. Then he tried to open the bedroom door. It was locked. Wally had no issue with blinking at it was it made a crunching noise, then it disappears. Eddie and Frank looked at Wally with horror. Then Wally simply grabbed something to knock them out with, and proceeded to knock them both out. When nobody was out and about, when it was dark, he would drag the two back to Home, dragging them into his basement that was only accessible through a secret passage. He chained Eddie to the floor, and tied Frank to a chair, both of them having blindfolds. When they woke up, they were frantic, talking to each other on trying to find a way out. Wally snapped to get their attention, and he took off both of their blindfolds. Eddie just looked at Wally in fear, Frank staring at Eddie, his eyes filling with tears. "Why are you doing this?!" Eddie said, pulling against the chains. Wally cupped Eddie's face, leaning down to him. "Eddie Dear... You knew what I did with my beloved (Y/N)... You knew that I took them and kept them here, and how I can't let them go. I couldn't have you telling the entire neighborhood. Then I'd have to dispose of everyone and recreate them all again, making them forget about everything, and like nothing happened. It's too much work... But I will do it just to keep my Darling (Y/N) safe and happy. Frank is here because he knows. You told him." Wally purred, letting go as he looked at Frank, his eyes widening, and he then blinked, Frank now missing his head. Thick crimson blood leaked down as you could see torn flesh and blood, some bone too. Eddie looked terrified, and he started to cry. "Oh god... Frank..." He sobbed, Wally smiling. "I'll keep you around Eddie... Maybe I'll even let you go. As long as you don't tell anyone else, and as long as you behave." Wally said, blinking the rest of Franks body away, and it made a crunching sound, like bones and flesh, breaking and tearing apart until nothing was even left but a pool of blood. Then Wally happily went back up from the basement, and then he made his way to your room. He hummed, and then he went inside, smiling sweetly at you. You stared at him, looking just depressed and tired. He came over to you, kissing your head. "Don't worry Darling. You'll not be in here much longer. I promise." He said gently.

"Just a few more days..."

(Here is a cute Wally to help you cope with the death of Frank and Eddie's sadness!)

(Here is a cute Wally to help you cope with the death of Frank and Eddie's sadness!)

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