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Heyy i hope you enjoy reading this new story. This first part is quite long :) 

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Lando invited me to dinner with him and Max, I haven't lived in London very long but it's been lonely and I only really know him. I don't dress up fancy were only going to a casual restaurant, and I want to wear comfortable clothes because my bump is starting to show. I wear a cute floral dress and I take a mini bag that Charles gave to me for my birthday last year. I know I should have gotten rid of it after we broke up but its cute and you will not see my getting rid of a cute bag just because a guy broke my heart.

Other than my mum, Lando and max are the only ones who know I'm pregnant. I haven't told Charles and I honestly don't know if I ever will. He broke my heart; he chose charlotte over me. So, its obvious that he never really cared for me anyway, so why would he care for his child?

Everyone may think I moved to London for a job, but that's just what I told them. I couldn't stand being in Monaco for another second. Or having to see Charles and Charlotte everywhere I go. I miss my mum and my friends but it not like I won't see them when they come to the UK to visit me. I still talk to my mum every day on facetime; and Arthur sends me a 10 minute long voice message every week telling me how much he misses me, and how much of a jerk Charles is for breaking up with me to be with charlotte. I do miss Arthur and the rest of his family; I wish I could tell them all I'm pregnant but that would mean having to see Charles and I'm not ready for that yet.

My phone pings, it's only Lando telling me that they're sat outside waiting. I grab my phone and put it inside my bag, and I go out to the car. Max is sat in the passenger seat, which is not a surprise, he always likes control of the music and he's a secret passenger princess at heart. Lando turns round so he can see me in the back "you haven't forgotten anything have you?" "No, I have everything I need, now can we please go I'm starving" 

Max puts on his music again, I swear I know the lyrics to all of these songs by now because of the amount of times he's played them. "Max please turn it down!" I shout over the extremely loud music. He turns it down and turns to me, "I'm just trying to educate your unborn child to give them good music taste. Who knows the rubbish you've been playing at home" Me and Lando laugh. "that's not how it works mate" "actually paying music and speaking to your child familiarises them with the music and my voice for when its born" I correct Lando. "well I'm sure it can hear the music at a normal volume" Lando has a good point there. Lando and Max just talk the rest of the way there whilst I nap in the car. Today has been such a long day, I'm starting to get tired really quickly, especially at work.

When we get to the restaurant we are shown to our table in a quiet, private area that Lando reserved earlier. "omg" Lando practically screams. Me and Max look at him scared. I'm pretty sure max thinks Lando has seen a spider or something. "What?" I say slightly worried. "Your bump is showing!" he says excitedly. "yeah, I woke up this morning and my jeans didn't fit, I guess I popped." I'm kind of sad that I'm losing my body and ill have to wear comfy clothes for the next few months. "Stand up please its so cute" Lando grabs my hand and spins me round in the process, I laugh. I tuck my hands under my bump showing them how big it is. "it's so cute, when do you find out the gender?" Max says as I sit back down and grab a menu. "yeah, you've been pregnant 4 months now" Max and Lando look at me with an intrusive stare. "I don't know, I guess I was just going to wait until its born" I shrug my shoulders. "No! I was going to plan a gender reveal party for you" Max looks genuinely disappointed, but just like this pregnancy was a surprise, I was planning to keep it that way with the gender too. "How do you expect us to buy you things for the baby if we don't know the gender, it'll be wearing white and beige for the first few months if not." 

Mini Leclerc ~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now