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So I went on holiday and ended up writing a few parts in my spare time, I just love writing this story so much and I hope you all love reading it. 

I want to thank you all for getting me past 200k reads on this story, that's amazing and I never thought that I'd be able to get that many reads. I'm so grateful xxx

This part is set after they met at the wedding, and started to spend more time together. 


"Please!" Charles begs as he hides his face in neck. After the wedding me and Charles started seeing each other a lot. First it started off us just having lunch together and then he asked me on a few dates to fancy restaurants and bars around Monaco. Whilst he's away working, we FaceTime a lot and I started staying at his place some nights when he's back. I wouldn't say we're in a relationship, but we basically are. I've already met his brother Arthur, it wasn't planned or anything we ran into him at the beach. Arthur seems really nice we seem to get along well, and I think we'll be good friends.

I like Charles a lot I've never dated anyone like him, and I think that he's showing me everything that was wrong with all my past relationships. Which is a good thing, my standards are set way too high now, so hopefully this thing between us lasts because I don't think I'll ever be able to find anyone like him again.

Charles is trying to get me to go to his home race this weekend, he's already asked a million times if I'll go, and I've said no every single time. I would love to be there and support him, and I guess we would be making our relationship official which would be nice. But at the same time, I don't think I'm ready for the world or my family to know we're together. Charles still doesn't know who my father is, and I'm scared to tell him, I always joke about not telling him but we're getting to a point in our relationship where he should really know.

If I went to the race I'd be scared of running into my Father, I haven't seen him in a very long time. I know he would disapprove of me and Charles being together and I don't want him to ruin our relationship. I wish I could just tell Charles but he might take it the wrong way and think I'm using him in some scheme with my Christian. Christian is like that, he would do anything to see Red bull come out on top. But I've made it very clear to Charles I hate my dad and I don't talk to him anymore. I hope that Charles understands when I finally do get the courage to tell him. 

I feel bad saying no to Charles, I really do. I know this race means a lot to him and I wish I could be there, but I have a strict no race policy and I've told him that. Especially when I know there will be a million cameras there that will definitely capture us together.

I've not met any of his friends on the track yet, but he wants to introduce me to them this weekend. Since I said I wasn't going to go I suggested we should all go out for a meal after the race on Sunday. Charles talked to a few of his closest friends, and they all thought it was a great idea. Some of them are even brining their wives and girlfriends, so I won't feel left out. It feels like I'm going to be entering into some sort of F1 girlfriend initiation.

"Please just come, please" Charles looks up at me with puppy eyes, begging me. I feel so bad it's all he's been taking about all week. "I know you don't know anything about formula 1 but going to the race is a good way to start learning" he says trying to persuade me. I might have lied and said I had no idea how formula 1 worked and that I didn't understand the concept or the rules. When in reality it's all my father would talk about the very few times I saw him growing up.

He's making a very persuasive argument and he really is hard to say no to. I should do this for him right? It clearly means a lot to him. "Fine I'll go, if it'll make you happy" I say smiling down at him. Shit I'm going to have to avoid everyone and everything like the plague. Charles kisses me. "Are you sure? You don't have to if you don't want to" he says looking down at me, as he's now leaning over me on the bed as I lay down. "I would love nothing more than to be there for you" I say smiling at him as he kisses me repeatedly. Shit what have I just gotten myself into.

"I love you so much" he says out of nowhere. I smile at his confession, I'm not sure he was meant to say that to me out loud. Looking at the expression in his face he's just as surprised as me at what just came out of his mouth. "I- um- did I just say that out loud? God it's too early to say it but I just really love you Nathalie" he says keeping eye contact with me as he speaks. I've never known someone to concentrate on a person more when they're speaking or listening.

I kiss him with a huge smile on my face. "I love you too" I say.  We both lay in bed hugging each other, with the biggest smiles on our faces. I've never felt so happy in my life. I never thought that I'd meet someone and know that I want to spend the rest of my life with them in such a short amount of time.

"Does this mean I'm officially your girlfriend?" I question, we've never really talked about this and I'm assuming since we're already saying I love you that we should label our relationship. "I thought you already were" he says smiling at me. I shove his shoulder. "You never asked me and until you ask it's not official" I say staring at him waiting for a response. Charles sits up in bed and looks very serious. He grabs my hands, holding them in his and looks down at me lovingly. "Nathalie will you be my girlfriend?" He says waiting for me to respond, it's not like he doesn't already know what I'm going to say, but I may as well let the suspense kill him for a little bit. 

"Yes Charles I'll be your girlfriend" I say before almost getting squashed to death by Charles jumping on top of me, hugging me so tight I nearly suffocate. 

Authors notes- 

I know quite a lot of you wanted me to write the part where Charles finds out Christian is Nathalie's dad and I PROMISE that's the next part xx

I know this part is only short but i think its cute :)

I'll publish the next part tomorrow morning.

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