déjà vu

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I'm sorry this part took so long to be released but I had to rewrite it because it all got deleted and then it wasn't as good as the first time I wrote it. And after all that I found the original, so I just put both together.

It's now back in the present time carrying on from before the flashback :)

I look over at the clock to see it's 7am, this is the time I'm usually getting up to start my day. I want to get up, but I feel a heavy arm wrapped around me, Charles is behind me is groaning at the sound of Anthonie's crying as it gets louder. He must want feeding, that or he has a dirty nappy. I'm sure Charles wasn't planning on staying overnight, I certainly didn't plan on him waking up in my bed this morning. We were both just sat talking all night, trying to work things out and I guess we must have fallen asleep.

Us both waking up together in my bed, me wondering who the hell is laid behind me and him being confused about where he is; brings back memories to the night he brought me back to my room, totally drunk after the wedding. That weekend was one of the best moments of my life, and it's when I realised that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. But obviously things changed.

I pushed Charles' arm off me, and I get up to feed Anthonie. "That looks painful" he says sitting up in bed watching me breastfeed Anthoine. "After a while you get used to it, you'll have to be careful when you hold him because he might try feed from you" I laugh at Charles' shocked face. It's funny but babies don't know the difference, if there's a nipple there, they will try get milk out of it.

"Do you want me to help you with anything?" Charles says standing up and stretching. His top rides up when he stretches his arms in the air, and I can't help but look. It's wrong for me to still have feelings for him, I can't forgive Charles for what he did, even if he did it for Arthur. He should have told me; I just need to get over him and move on.

"You could get his clothes out of the drawer whilst I change his nappy" I say pointing to the drawer over by the door. He rummages around in it pulling out almost everything in there, looking very confused at how many tops Anthoine could possibly have. There's probably more in there than both of our wardrobes combined.

"Could I change him?" He asks holding all of his stuff in his hands next to me. "Sure" I step back and let Charles stand where I was. I watch and he puts everything on like a professional, it's kind of surprising how good he is at it. I was hopeless when he was first born. "I got the practice with my goddaughter" he must have seen how surprised I was and thought I needed an explanation. "You should come over more often, it usually takes me ten minutes to try get his legs through the holes on his pants and you did it in seconds" I say joking. "I'd actually love that" he says picking up Anthoine and holding him in his arms.

"I was actually going to ask you if I could come round and help out with him. Only if you'd let me anyway" he says looking at Anthoine lovingly like I do every day since he was born. "Yeah, that would be good" I say smiling. It would be good to have some help because my mother is always out with her friends, so I'm alone looking after a newborn for the first time in my life. "Maybe I could come over after dinner on days when I'm not training to help with the night time routine?" He says, already having it all planned out in his head. That's the time of day when Anthoine is more tired out, so it would be easier for Charles to look after him without me having to always be there to feed him.

"It means a lot to me that you're here Charles" I say to him. I'm glad he came here to talk to me; it must have been hard for him to find out he had a son that everyone knew about except him. I'm not excusing his behaviour before, he should have just told me and we could have worked things out together. I have my reasons for keeping it from him, but he seems to have come to terms with it all. I'm happy we've both talked and planned out some sort of routine for him to be in Anthonie's life.

Mini Leclerc ~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now