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It might be a bit confusing because in this part i talk about both max's so hopefully you understand which i'm talking about. I'll try to put their initial after their name to help make it easier. I hope you like the story so far :)

Max (F)= Max Fewtrell

Max (V)= Max Versteppen

Please leave comments and ideas at the side as you're reading it :)

"I think that's everything" Lando said as he passed the mover the last box to unload onto the truck. Today I was moving back to Monaco, id be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I have this horrible feeling in my stomach, I do not want to run into Charles when I get back home. I don't need this stress in my life at all, I'm hoping having my mum to help me when the baby is born will mean I don't have to go outside as much as I would need. I plan on living the rest of my life in the apartment, and since I got the job with red bull, I can do exactly that. I'll have to do the odd few days in the office and my mum has offered to take care of the baby when I'm there. She understands what its like to be in my place, how stressful it can be to be a single mother working in such a fast-paced busy work environment.

She used to work in f1, she built up quite a successful career for herself, every team wanted to work with her. But when she fell pregnant with me it was a lot harder for her, she had to prioritise me over work. She was happy to do that, she always wanted a family, and she always says having me was the best thing that happened to her. Sometimes I feel bad that she left her career to look after me full time, but she worked her whole life and did everything she wanted to achieve. She always wanted more kids but because she had me at such an old age it was harder for her.

She also understands my situation Charles being the father of my child. My dad has a huge role in f1, his team realise on him massively and he's 100% committed to them. It's just a shame that he couldn't prioritise his family over his job at the time. At first, he was a part of my life, but eventually he had to choose which he wanted more. Mum knows what its like to struggle by myself, especially in the world that we live in. Sometimes I think that I'm being selfish and that I should tell Charles about the baby, but he already chose someone over me. So, I don't want my child having to live with the disappointment of knowing he would choose f1 over them. I resent my father for choosing to love the sport more than me. But in my teenage years he did reach out, I wouldn't say our relationship is great now, but we do have one.

"Are you nearly finished with that? Were going to land in like 15 mins" Max (F) whispered trying not to wake Lando up. I look up from my laptop "I'm just finishing up now and sending off a draft" I'm so glad I got this job, I can work on my own schedule, its hard work but I enjoy it. I have Christian to thank for getting me the job, I did try and ring him to thank him, but I guess he's a busy man. "I better wake him up before we land" Max (F) nudges Lando, he jumps and rubs his eyes. I laugh.

Max (F) and Lando said since I was going back to Monaco they may as well come with me to make my first few days back more less lonely. It's not like my mum won't be there, but I know what they meant by it. Lando's house isn't that far away from mine, and I should be able to walk there in 10 minutes without being seen by anyone I know. I was of course happy about that because I will miss them not always being there for me. I know eventually the season would've started back up again after the summer break, but I would've still had Max(F ) at home to annoy.

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