On my mind

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I told you i'd be back with more parts this week :) It's only a small one for today so i hope you like it x

After this part i have a 4000 word essay to complete in a day, but then i'll be back to writing parts on Tuesday. 

I walked into the bar and all of the guys were huddled around a table laughing and letting loose after the last race which a lot of them didn't do too well in. As soon as they all saw me they picked their drinks up and started cheering. "What's going on?" I asked confused as if I had missed something. Pierre walked up to me and put his arm over my shoulder, slightly drunk and slurring his words. "We're celebrating your win, where have you been?" He says referring to my win in Monaco this weekend. I know the only reason I won was because of Nathalie, whenever she's there I feel a need to win for her. It just doesn't feel right celebrating without her down here, I wonder where she is.

"Come over here and do these" Daniel says pushing 3 shots across the table to me. I do those shots and then they give me a beer straight after, apparently all of my drinks are on them tonight which I'm not complaining about.

"So your a single man now and i'm sure there's plenty of single women here that you could have some fun with" one of the guys says. It makes me a bit uncomfortable because it hadn't even been a thought that had crossed my mind that i'm single. "We could be your wingmen" they say. They're all looking at me waiting for me to say something but luckily Pierre steps in and changes the subject. "Who needs another drink? I don't think we've had enough" he says. Not what I would've said because if they have anymore i'm sure they'll just be more bold about the things they ask. But I'm just happy they've quit with the interrogation. 

"Yeah mate ill have a beer" Lando says. They all begin to shout their orders at Pierre and he looks overwhelmed with the amount of things he has to remember. "I never said id get them for you, come up to the bar with me." He says, they all stand up and follow him over. 

After about an hour Nathalie still hasn't come down, I've been frantically watching the door to see if she's going to enter but it's just us and a few other guests down here. I've drunk a lot more and I think I've got to the stage where I'm tired and fed up, I don't feel like drinking anymore otherwise I'll have the worst hangover tomorrow.

The other guys are all chatting about something at the bar whilst they order another round and I'm sat staring off into space when Lando walks over and sits next to me. "What's up mate?" He says observing me, it seems he can either handle his alcohol better than the others or he's just not drunk a lot tonight. "I think I've drink too much" I say lying because I didn't want him to really know why I'm sat alone sad.

"She's not coming down you know" he says catching me off guard because he seems to know what I'm thinking about which I don't like. "What?" I question trying to play off his suspicions. "You keep watching the door but she's already gone to bed so you won't see her tonight" Lando says. I'm kind of upset because she's the only person tonight that I wanted to celebrate my win with.

"I think I'm call it a night mate" I say standing up from my chair. He looks at me with a knowing look and waves me off.

As I'm walking back to my room I find myself stopping outside Nathalie's room door. I'm not sure why but I feel like I need to be with her right now. But I can't it's nearly 2am and I don't want to wake her up and make her cranky in the morning. I have enough experience of doing that in the past and I do not need her being in a mood with me. We've only just started to trust each other again and I will not ruin that.

I decide to just go back to my room and try and get some sleep. I know the alcohol will help me to pass out in a few minutes which is good because I have too much on my mind to be awake right now.

Nathalie's POV

I get up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night and notice that Lando is not in his bed. So either he's still downstairs with the guys or he found someone else to stay with for the night. As I'm waking to the bathroom I notice the shadow of a person reflecting under the bedroom door. I just assume Lando has forgotten his room pass which I wouldn't put it past him. I walk over and look through the hole, I'm not sure why it must just be a reflex checking before I open doors so I don't get surprised. And I was surprised, to see Charles stood outside instead of Lando.

It's late i'm not sure why he's just standing outside, he must've decided to come up by himself because Pierre is not with him. I know he's not got the wrong room because his is down the end of the hall, so he has purposely stopped outside my room.

I consider opening the door but he never knocked and I don't want him thinking I'm watching him. After about a minute of what looks like him contemplating whether or not to knock he decides against it and walks away. I guess I'll never know what he wanted to say to me.

Authors notes- 

I'm trying to think of a way they can get some alone time together without all of the guys being there. So if you have any ideas I will be grateful. 

If you like this story pls check out my other 'Spinning tyres' I would like to think its just as good as this. But its a Pierre endgame. And if you enjoy brothers best friend it's the story for you. 

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