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Sorry I'm getting slower at uploading; you'd think because I'm on summer break I'd be more enthusiastic about writing the parts, but I just feel drained and less motivated.

The thing that makes me want to write the parts are all of your comments once I post. I really love that you all get so involved with the story and I love talking to you all 😊

Remember this is a flashback to how Nathalie and Charles met.

A few years ago...

I didn't really plan on making myself look the like the best-looking guest at the party, but now I've met Charles I feel the need to wake up early and make sure I look good. I'm not doing it for him though, i'm doing it for myself. I want to feel good and look good, its time for me to stop slouching around. I get my dress out from the wardrobe which I hung up last night to make sure there were no creases in it this morning. I didn't go out of my way to buy anything special; I just grabbed the most wedding looking baby blue dress I had. I put my rings on, stacking them on each one of my fingers and I grab my necklace from the nightstand.

Once I was ready, I got into the elevator to go downstairs, there was supposed to be some sort of taxi service outside taking all of the guests to the wedding location.

There were two other people in the elevator this time when I got in. When we reached floor 9 Charles got in and stood next to me. "Bonjour" he says whilst smiling at me. Damn he looks hot right now. He's in a tight-fitting suit that really makes me wonder if maybe I do fancy him just a little. He looks so smart but sexy, there no way he can get away with turning up to the wedding maybe looking better than the groom himself.

The elevator stops at another floor this time a lot of people get on, me and Charles move all the way back to the wall as they pile in. My bare arm is touching his smooth silky tux, I can feel the warmth from his arm radiating though it. He leans his head bit over towards mine, whilst looking at everyone in the elevator. "It's a lot busier this morning" he whispers and I smile to myself, knowing that he's referring to when it was just us in it yesterday, alone. I hope we get to spend some more time alone today at the wedding. "It'll be a busy wedding" I say knowing that Sophia my friend who is getting married is a very popular person, so there's bound to be a lot of people attending.

We all get out on the bottom floor and walk through reception where there are a line of cars waiting for the wedding party. "I'm so late" Charles says, looking at his watch whilst waiting. "It's fine, the wedding doesn't start for another hour" I say, but that doesn't make him any calmer, you'd think it was him that was getting married today. "Do you want to share a car?" he says when we get to the front of the line, I smile and nod.

The hotel is about 30 minutes from the wedding venue, I'm not sure why they chose a hotel so far away for every to stay at. Can you imagine all of the drunk guests making their way back to the hotel after the reception, it'll be chaos. For the first half of the taxi ride Charles is busy texting people on his phone, I just left him it because he seemed to be really getting into his messaging. When I say I've never seen anyone type so fast or send as many messages before, now I have. It makes me wonder who he's messaging and why.

Mini Leclerc ~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now