Race Day

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It's the part you've all been waiting for. It's kind of long so enjoy :)

It's a flashback to the first race Nathalie ever attended with Charles...


"I can't believe you're wearing all of that I'm this heat" Charles says as we walk into the paddock. What he's referring to is the giant coat that I've got on, and the cap and sunglasses covering my face. I need everything to help disguise myself, I'm not going to risk my father seeing me. 

"I'm cold I must have the flu or something" I say making up an excuse, a crap one too. I need to work on lying but I'm not very good at it. Maybe I should just stick to being truthful. "If you were ill you'd be far away from me right now, but you're right by my side" he says pulling me closer to him, as he wraps his arm around my waist. Damn he's right, there's no way if I was actually ill that I'd risk infecting him. 

I'm hoping that he won't question my strange choice of attire anymore. I might have to take it off soon though, because I'm boiling to death in this heat. I should've just borrowed one of my mums big floppy hats that covers her face, but that might have just made me stand out even more than I am right now. I'll just go find a quiet corner to hide in later, when Charles leaves me to prepare for the race. 

"I'm just going to talk to one of the guys, why don't you go wait for me at the Ferrari garage. Someone will show you the way to my driver's room" Charles says kissing me and walking off to talk to someone. I have no idea who he just left me to go talk to, I thought he wanted to introduce me to his friends. 

This situation really isn't ideal for me, I know no one here and I just feel like every is staring at me as they walk past. I hate it when anyone looks in my direction, it sets off my social anxiety. But Charles doesn't know that about me yet, I guess I've been waiting until he likes me more to tell him about my flaws. We haven't been anywhere where I have not felt comfortable, especially when I'm with Charles.  

I can feel the sweat forming under my cap, I have to take it off right now. I shove it into one of the huge pockets in my coat and I wipe my forehead to get rid of all the sweat. I can feel my hair sticking to my forehead, but I try and sort it out before Charles comes back over. 

"Nathalie what are you doing here?" I hear someone say from the side of me. It's a British accent, an old sounding man. It's my father. I slowly turn around, blatantly showing my hesitation towards greeting him. "How did you recognise me?" I question, I thought I did a pretty good job of disguising myself. Then again everyone else in the paddock is wearing shorts and a top so I do stick out quite a lot.

"I bought you that coat Nathalie, so of course I recognise you" he says looking at me confused as to why I'm wearing a huge winter coat. I guess he would also be confused about why I'm here, since I haven't seen him in over a year, let alone voluntarily. 

"Christian I have to go" I say in a hurry. I don't know what else to say to him, I bet this is the last place he EVER expected to see me. The first and last time I've ever been here was when I was 13.

Mini Leclerc ~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now