Guys trip

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This part is long, I figured id make it up to you all since you've had to wait so long for more parts :))

I hope you still enjoy my story, the last few parts may not have been that interesting but I promise more drama is to come. If you have any ideas please comment them I would love to hear them >>>

"Thank you for persuading him to babysit" I say whilst hugging Geri. "He didn't need any persuading really" she says as we look over at my dad playing with Anthonie. I know I'm stressing over leaving Anthonie here for a week but maybe I shouldn't worry because he seems to know what he's doing. And I know with Geri here they're both in safe hands. "We'll send you updates everyday and FaceTime you before we put him to bed" Geri says reassuring me. I sigh and pick Anthonie up to say one last goodbye. I'm not sure he understands what is happening yet and that I'll be leaving him but he likes my dad and Geri so he should be fine. "You should go" my dad says taking Anthonie from me and ushering me towards the door. I laugh at his attempt to get rid of me so he can spend more time with Anthonie, I'm glad he's apart of his life, it's like he's trying to make up for all the years he ignored me.

I get out of the building and see Lando's car parked outside, when he sees me he rolls down the window and shouts at me. "Get in loser we're going shopping" I laugh at how unserious he is. "You're so weird" I say, I love how he just comes out with the most random things sometimes.

He gets out of the car and comes to help me with my unnecessary amount of bags. "Are you pregnant again?" He questions me with a serious face. I'm so confused? Do I look pregnant. I think he can sense my confusion and slight loss of confidence. "Because you look like you've packed for two" that was such a bad joke, if I can even call it that. "That was so not funny" I say as I get into the car.

We're about 15 mins into the drive to the airport where we are meeting the rest of the guys, when Charles texts me. I realise that I never deleted his contact from my phone, I'm not sure why though, that's usually the first thing people do after a breakup. I should probably change the contact name too.

Charles ❤️    

Did Lando remember to pick you up? I'm still at home if you need a lift.

We're in the car right now, looks like this is a race we're going to win.

A race? Have you seen how Lando drives away from the track? You'd be lucky to get there before we all leave.

Did you forget Lando got a new car?


I guess we'll see who really has the talent when we get there 😂

After that Charles didn't respond, so I'm assuming he decided to get in his car and race over here. I'm hoping he doesn't take this thing too seriously because I don't need him crashing or getting pulled over for speeding. 

"Look who it is" I hear a voice say when I get out the car. I look up and see Charles walking over towards Lando's car. I have no idea how he did it but he managed to beat us here. "Hey mate" Lando says going over to greet him, they both talk for a bit and then Lando goes to get our bags out of the car.

Mini Leclerc ~ Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now