The beginners slope

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Surprise!!!! I'm actually posting 

I know I've been away for a while and I may not post regularly but I promise I am committed to finishing this story. Unless I mysteriously die then you all have to use your imagination <3

"Get up" I say to Lando as I open the curtains to the room, letting the bright light in. Lando groans and pulls the bed sheets up over his head. I laugh at him obviously being hung over. "It's already 10am get up" I say throwing a pillow at him. He groans again, remaining under the covers.

"Nooo, I need sleep, leave me in peace pleasee" he begs. He does actually sound quite desperate and I can't blame him because I used to do the same thing. I shut the curtains again and decide to go down and get some breakfast. I'll probably bring Lando back some food so that he doesn't feel like shit the whole day.

When I go down none of the other guys are downstairs yet, well when I say none I mean all of them except from one person. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Charles sat in a dark corner. I go over and join him.

"Good morning" I say sitting down across from him as he greets me back with a forced hungover smile. "Late night last night for you all then?" I ask wanting to know what happening because me and Lando haven't had a chance to debrief yet.

"I'm not sure what time the other guys went to bed, I left the celebrations early" he explains referring to his winning celebrations. I wish I could've been there but I needed to call Anthonie and then I was too tired to go down so I told Lando to leave without me. "So you didn't drink as much as them?" I ask. "It seems that way" he says looking at the nearly empty breakfast hall.

"Have you got any plans for today?" I ask Charles as I'm kind of out of he loop for what the guys planned on doing whilst they were here. "We were supposed to be heading up the mountain to ski right now but it doesn't look like that's going to happen" Charles says. The last time I went skiing was horrible, I fell over so many times and refused to ever do it again.

"But maybe you and me could go?" Charles asks. I would love the alone time but I'll settle for breakfast. "I was thinking of having a relaxed day today. You know before all the activities start" I explain, as I'm still tired from the travel yesterday. "Oh come on I know you're terrible at it but I can teach you" he says playfully. "Hey I am not terrible" I say in defence, stabbing my fork into my food. 

Charles laughs at me. "Do I need to remind you of the time you face planted on the beginners slope" he says laughing at me once again. "Yet another reason not to go" I say cutting up some food on my plate whilst Charles sits there with those eyes of his watching me.


"You skipped my race celebrations last night, so you need to make it up to me" he says trying to make me feel bad. It's working, he knows I always feel bad for people, not I feel the need to make it up to him.

"Fine if you're serious about helping me out I'll go, but if I embarrass myself out there I'm blaming you" I give in, which puts a smile on Charles face.

"I'm no stranger to being blamed for things" he says referring to all of the times I used to blame him for the little things. The only ever times in our relationship we had arguments. "Hey you're dragging me up that mountain so it'll be your fault if anything happens to me" I say laughing at his slightly worried face, but I'm just messing with him. He's never been good at telling when I'm joking or being sarcastic. 

I head back up to the room to get changed and Lando is still fast asleep. I was going to tell him where I was going but I think he'll still be in that bed when I get back. I still leave him a note on the side table to make sure he doesn't get worried if I'm gone all day. He may deny caring about me but he's always texting me asking where I am and what I'm doing. It's not like a relationship or boyfriend type thing, Lando is more like a protective older brother, but at the same time somehow younger. 

When I go down into the lobby I see Charles sat waiting for me, when he notices me walking towards him a smile forms on his face. He's like a puppy when his owner walks into the room. "Ready?" I ask as he stands up. "Are you ready?" He laughs. I'm not sure I am though, what am I getting myself into?

We walk over to the cars that will transport us over to the bottom of the mountain and I spot two familiar faces. "Fancy seeing you two here" Daniel says. I love Daniel I really do but I just know what is about to happen here.

Him and Scott, who is a professional snowboarder might I add, are going to tag along and Daniel will make this the most uncomfortable few hours of my life. Not because of the skiing and snowboarding, but because me and Charles are alone together.

"Mate I thought after last night you'd both be recovering" Charles says in an annoyed voice, trying to hide his frustration just like me. "Us Australians know how to handle our alcohol, unlike some" he says referring to the other guys.

"You should join us" Scott says. I don't really know Scott that well but I've met him a few times over the years in the paddock and at some of Daniels parties and he seems like a nice guy.

I was going to accept their offer not to be rude but Charles has other ideas. "We're actually going up the beginners slope, I'm going to teach Nathalie how to ski" he says hoping that will steer them away or something, but it doesn't.

"Lucky for you Scott isn't just a pro at snowboarding but skiing too, he'll have you on the diamond run in no time" Daniel says ushering us towards the car that just pulled up. I can't act ungrateful and decline his offer because I know that Charles probably doesn't know the first thing about teaching someone how to ski. 

When we get to the top of the hill I look down and it's a lot steeper than I thought it would be. "Don't look so terrified, it's really not that bad once you're moving" Scott says standing besides me as Daniel and Charles speak. "It's like something out of my nightmares when I'm falling and I can never stop" I say shuddering at the thought.

"I'll be right by your side the whole time" he says trying to make me feel better. If these children can manage to ski down the slope so can I.

"I'm sorry about barging in on your and Charles' date" Scott says. I turn my head towards him fast. Is that what he thinks this is? A date. What if everyone thinks that? Does Charles?

"It's not a date" I correct Scott. He looks at me almost as if he doesn't believe me. "Well whatever we interrupted I'll make sure me and Daniel move slopes as soon as I think you're okay to ski without me" he assures me. I haven't known Scott for long but I like that he's looking out for me, I'm sure Daniel has told him all about mine and Charles' rocky past. 

Author Notes-

I love it when you all give feedback and tell me your thoughts, so don't forget to leave a comment below bc I love interreacting with everyone!! 

So in the next part I'm going to write about the group in a hot tub, if you have any ideas for games they could play to maybe make things spicy between Charles and Nathalie, or  things that could happen when they guys are 'tired' and leave them alone, please do leave a comment. 

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