Second Chances

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Another part posted today as promised x

I hope you all enjoy this, I feel like it's been a long time coming ❤️


I lay in my bed, I feel lonely knowing that Lando isn't in here with me. The room feels big and empty, making it more of a harrowing experience with the storm outside. I wish I could be at home in the comfort of my own bed.

The howling wind outside makes sleep impossible, the windows are rattling and things are flying around outside. I can hear the rain lashing against the window and the wind is making a howling sound. I could've sworn I heard thunder for a second.

I know sleeping would be the best thing to do right now, because if I'm asleep I wouldn't hear any of this. But it terrifies me to a point where i'm laid in bed hiding under my covers and shaking with fear.

I don't want to be alone right now, I can't be and the only person who I know is here right now is Charles. I decide to call him to see if he'll stay on the phone with me until I fall asleep, just hearing his voice will calm me down.

"Nathalie are you okay? It's horrible outside" he asks immediately after he answers my call. I begin to cry as my fear takes over me.

"Charles" Is all I manage to say, but he knows its because I'm afraid.

"Open your door" he says. "What?" I ask confused.

"Come open your door, I'm outside" How did he manage to get here so fast, I only called him a few seconds ago.

He stays on the phone with me until I open the door and let him in. As soon as he sees me, he becomes more concerned. He pulls me into a hug which instantly makes me feel safer.

"Charles what are you doing here?" I ask him as he holds me. He breaks away from the hug and he looks down at me with sympathetic eyes.

"I remember your fear of storms," he says. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay in here all by yourself" I love him so much.

"Do you want me to stay?" He asks as we still stay stood by the door. "Please" I whisper as he reaches down and holds me hand. "I don't want to be alone tonight".

He climbs into the bed next to me, I lay inside his arms as we face one another. The storm is raging outside but I feel safe inside the warmth of his touch. I rest my head on his chest as I try to sleep, I can sense that he is still awake watching over me and making sure I fall asleep before he does.

I feel a sense of peace that I haven't for a long time. These past few years I don't think I've ever felt as safe as I have tonight, and I think it's made me realise that I cant live without Charles in my life.

"Charles, I want to be with you" I say looking up into his eyes. "I love you and I always have" He looks at me with a smile on his face.

"Nathalie Horner are you asking me to be your boyfriend?" he says sarcastically. It makes me laugh.

Charles kisses the top of my head. Something that makes me realise that this it is, were meant to be and there is no one else for either of us.

"Together" he says as we fall asleep in each others arms.


The next morning, I awoke to the not so subtle opening of the door. Lando has never been one for doing things quietly. At first, I thought it was Charles trying to sneak out, but I can still feel his body against mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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