"Some say that we're all crazy....and sadistic monsters....but we're not always like this...."
"Let's say....one my friends is the reason why our sanity is still in tact....and how she lifts us up when we need it...."
"She may be one of the youngest of us....but she doesn't lose sight on what truly matters...."
"She's....like the glue holding our gang together....and if something ever happens to her....we'd fall apart...."
"Penny....is one of the main three....but she's the only reason why Hangry's cravings are under control....and why we feel comfortable in our portal even though it isn't our real home...."
"But the thing is....her positivity can only go for so long....until she cracks....the only reason why and how she can hold it for so long....is because of her keeping her mental health in check....she used to be someone....COMPLETELY different...."
"She used to be obsessive, insane, full of vain....and....just overall stalkerish...."
"That was until she got therapy and she was on medication for almost three years....it holds out for her and she never forgets about it...."
"However....the only time she doesn't take her medication....is when she needs her obsessive side to come out....whenever a mortal is around....or if any of us are in danger...."
"Despite that....she keeps us all together....and we hope nothing ever changes...."