Wheel thing #72

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This wheel determines which Mob Leader gets killed and who lives for Island of the Slaughtered. 

Chopped limb from limb: Apollo

Thrown off a cliff: Avira

Eaten by wolves: Andri

Face torn off: Enya

Hit with boulder: Millie

Stretch from rack: Carmela

Strangled, stabbed and drowned: Vanessa

Burned alive: Kara (she was thrown into the fire pit but it was laced with the Wither effect)

Knocked with a bat and killed with a machete sewn heads together: Cupa and Lime (slime leader)

Pushed and rolled off a cliff (never to be seen again): Yaebi

Caught by bear trap and impaled by fishing spear: Cherry (magma cube leader)

Bashed in a tv: Hildegarde

Beaten and hung by hooks: Andr

Decapitated: Alessandra 

Survivors: Ayumi, Mindy, Udon, Lola, Maren, Yucca and Bianca

Sacrifice (soul gets locked out of heaven): Herobrine

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