Another go for the Island of the Slaughtered. This time, it's for the EthGoesBOOM characters. Oh god, this is gonna be like the Fazbear Massacre all over again.
Chopped limb from limb - Toy Bonnie
Thrown off a cliff - BB
Eaten by wolves - Foxy
Face torn off - Bonnie (I KNEW IT! I F**KING KNEW IT!)
Hit with boulder - Funtime Foxy
Stretched on a rack - JJ
Strangled, stabbed and drowned - Electrobab
Burned alive - Candy
Knocked with a bat and killed with a machete and heads sewn together - Ballora and Mangle
Pushed and rolled off a cliff and lost in the forest never to be seen again (presumed dead) - Spring Bonnie
Bashed on a tv - Cupcake
Beaten and hung by hooks - Toy Freddy
Decapitated - Puppet
Survived - Chica, Bidybab, Freddy, Golden Freddy, Toy Chica, Tattletail, and Plushtrap
Sacrifice - Circus Baby (NOOOOOOOO)