Chapter 6: Shenanigans

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An alignment chart usually tells what kind of person someone is, for example, lawful good, lawful neutral, and lawful evil. This chart is split into 3 rows and 3 columns of lawful, neutral, and chaotic, then good and evil with true neutral in the mix.

If anyone had to describe Arkansas' alignment.... it would be somewhere beyond chaotic neutral, if that's even possible.

Everyone on base knew that Arkansas enjoys causing trouble and messing around. Nagato knew this more and more over the increasing days to weeks. Nagato has received numerous reports about Arkansas' mischief from around the base, and even outside the base. Despite having assigned a ship to keep an eye on him, Arkansas always managed to find a way to evade them.

Under request from Azur Base Command, I have been assigned to look over and record the "incidents" of our new guest ever since he dropped a bomb and crashed on Hickam Field. How he managed to fly an aircraft is beyond us.

Incident Log #001: Signs

>> Arkansas has just returned from his vacation to Hawaii back to the Sakura naval base to overlook the continued rebuilding of his ship. On January 11th, 194X he ventured off the naval base. We will begin a log back of these events. <<  - Azur Lane Reporting Officer

Arkansas had woken up and was stretching around and opened the window, leaning out he said, "The air feels nice today. Time for morning PT." Arkansas opens the hospital door and starts his morning routine. He walks around for a good hour and exercises a bit. Afterward he follows a group of Sakura ships to the canteen for breakfast and found a spot to sleep.

Arkansas was asleep for several hours, peacefully sleeping until the Sakura carrier Zuikaku entered the canteen and saw Arkansas sleeping. Her knowing his military history did not make things better and she snuck up on him while his ears were curled down.

"AT EASE!!" she yells.

Arkansas suddenly jumped up and saluted since those words were instilled into him during basic training. Arkansas' ears were standing on end and he stood confused for a solid couple seconds and then looked angrily at Zuikaku. "Zuikaku..." 

The carrier gulped and said "Oops." She then ran away from Arkansas who was still angry about being interrupted from his nap. Arkansas was annoyed but shrugged it off. Getting up from the table, he started walking around for a bit. He grabbed some fried rice from Akashi, was was charging 50 gems for it. He hated Akashi still. 

A little while later he was wandering away from the base and tapping his cane along as he went. Eventually his cane hit something, and he felt the rest of what he hit with his cane. "Huh, a sign. Well this can't stop me, I can't read." Arkansas said. He continued walking forward completely unaware of what was on the sign.

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