Chapter 13: Shenanigans.... Again

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Arkansas' ensuing antics at the base as grown to the ire of some here at the Kansen Resources division of the Azur Lane Command. We've been keeping an eye on him and a log with what he's been doing around the port. 

In short, he still is pushing the definition of Chaotic Chaotic.

Incident Log #005: Requisition

>> Arkansas has made repeated attempts to request his own personal bathroom for his dorms. His efforts were mostly fruitless due to his lack of writing skills. So he decided to take matters into his own hands. This will be a playback of this incident we are calling the Requisition incident. << - Azur Lane Reporting Officer

Arkansas had just recently woken up and opened the window. He looked outside and heard the birds singing and the air flowing. Arkansas left the dorms and was doing his morning routine which mainly consisted of walking around randomly and feeding breadcrumbs to the manjuu. (This is against base protocol. Stop feeding breadcrumbs to the manjuu.)

Arkansas was sitting on a bench wondering what to do. He knew his requests were being denied due to his writing. So, he got up from the bench and said "Modern problems require modern solutions."

Arkansas walked back to his dorm and grabbed some spare clothes and shampoo. He knew what he was about to do, but the cost to benefit ratio was better, so he started walking to the public bathhouse, fully aware what he's about to do.

Arkansas walked up to the door and heard the sign of the bathhouse swaying in the wind. Arkansas only chuckled and whispered "This sign can't stop me either, I still can't read." Arkansas then taps his cane on the door a few times awaiting a response, only to get none. He walks into the bathhouse and towards the changing area and starts undressing.

"EEEEHHHH. ARKANSAS, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" a voice screamed. Arkansas turns towards the voice and knew that it was Cleveland's. He then starts hearing other voices murmuring. He assumed the girls were in various states of undress, but he wouldn't know for definite if they were.

He puts his hands up in a fake surrender and says "Okay.... I do not have my radar and I am blind. I cannot see any of you... I am going to walk out of here and pretend this never happened..." Arkansas ducked as a soap bottle hit where his head was. Arkansas only gulped and said "So much for the voice of reason, now, we do the super secret technique..."

The ship girls only looked at him angry and confused about that was.

Arkansas rapidly grabbed his coat and cane and bolted out of the bathhouse at high speeds despite have many things thrown at him. He dodges another thing and screams "Gory gory, what a helluva way to die!!" He finally leaves the bathhouse and continues running, he thinks he got away, but that was before he heard a shell fly past him and explode nearby.

Arkansas kept running and screamed "HE AIN'T GONNA JUMP NO MORE!!!" More shells fly past as Arkansas continues dodging in this very explosive game of cat and mouse. He finally realized that this wasn't the best idea to get a private bathroom.

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