𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒮𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃

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song of the chapter: countdown by Beyonce

"if you leave me, you're out of your mind."


"So, uh, new class sign-up sheets are posted in the church lobby," Gwen announced at the church. "We've just added an improv class and, due to popular demand, another dance class."

        I had started teaching ballet, and people started requesting more types. So I now also taught tap, jazz and lyrical.

"And I hope to see you all at move night tomorrow," she finished. She got off the podium to make way for Allie. "Here you go."

"Thank you, Gwen," Allie said as Gwen sat down next to me. Sam was on my other side. "Okay, I just wanted to remind everybody that this Thursday is Thanksgiving." I perked up. That was my favorite holiday, even though I wasn't allowed to eat any of the food. "Bring all your recipes to Will so that he can make sure that you guys all have the right ingredients. Next, we have an update for the Committee on Resources."

"What about the Committee on Going Home?" Lexie spoke up. Allie sighed.

"Gordie and Bean promised me a report on Thursday," Allie told her.

"Are we going home?" Lexie wondered.

"Not before Thursday," Allie retorted. There was laughter. "Will?" Will approached the podium, taking her place.

"Okay," Will started. "So, we finished our audit on food supplies, and based on our current radiation, we have enough to carry us through spring. This winter won't be a problem, but our food won't last forever. We all knew that. It's start to run low by next summer."

        Panic started to fill me. I started breathing faster as my heart began to race. Sam grabbed my hand, forcing me to calm down.

"So we're all going to fucking starve?" Shirley Leach asked.

"No," Allie promised, taking over the podium. "Of course not. We just got to change the way we do things. We have a plan. Grizz?" Grizz stood up.

"Um," he began. "So after Thanksgiving, I'm going to lead a search party to look for farmland and for alternative food supplies. If anyone wants to join me, I'm looking for four or five volunteers to come along with me."

"No fucking way!" a boy yelled.

"Look, we all know what happened to Emily," Grizz recalled. "But this is different. We know what to expect now. We'll be prepared. We'll bring proper supplies."

"Yeah, but we don't know how to farm," a girl pointed out.

"Even if you find land, who's gonna work it?" Lexie questioned.

"We will," Allie answered. "All of us. We'll have to learn now. Just like we learned to do everything else around here. We can still have to cook, clean, and do everything that makes this place work. It's going to get tougher, but what choice do we have? Right? No choice. So we'll do it. We're gonna take it step-by-step, okay? Just solve each problem as it comes. And I think we can do that if we stay positive."


        Kelly told me that Harry was refusing to show up for work. I knew I had to visit him, no matter the risk it would cause with Campbell.

"Hey," I greeted as I walked into his room. He was laying in his bed. "Are you okay?"

"I don't want to see anyone," he muttered.

𝚅𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚜 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚁𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚜(𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚘𝚌𝚒𝚎𝚝𝚢)Where stories live. Discover now