𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝐸𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉

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song of the chapter: homesick by madison beer

"these ain't my people, ain't my crew, it ain't my planet"


        I laughed and chatted with my friends and one of my family members as I ate. I'd never eaten so much at once. I felt so free.

"Hey," Kelly said as she sat down on the other side of Becca. I smiled at her.

"Hey," Becca responded.

"Is Sam coming?" Kelly asked us.

"He won't text us back," I informed her, grimacing. I was beginning to get worried. 

"You're not worried?" Kelly wondered.

"He's been up so late taking care of me, he probably just fell asleep," Becca insisted. I nodded.

"Yeah, we'll celebrate with him later," I shrugged.

"Hey everyone," we heard. We all turned to Helena, standing at the stage part of the church. "Hi. So at Thanksgiving, my mom used to ask us to say what we were thankful for." I chuckled as everyone around us groaned. "Oh, come on. Nobody? Do I have to go first?"

"All right," Jason said, standing up. Helena smiled, going back to her seat. "I'm thankful for how hard my team fought at touch football." There were cheers. "Oh, and I'm thankful that Luke hasn't lost his throwing arm. Let's give it up for Luke!" We all clapped and whooped for him. Clark stood up as Jason hit his arm.

"Uh, I'm thankful I can get stoned every day without my parents on my ass," Clark said. I laughed with everybody else. "Though, I miss them giving me a hard time."

        Everybody stopped laughing. Awkward silence pursued as Clark sat back down. Allie suddenly stood up. I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"Well, I'm thankful for Clark," she spoke up. "For saying what we've all been thinking. We all miss home. We miss our moms and dads. What we want to say is, 'wait for us. We'll find our way home.' I also want to thank everyone who cooked tonight! Toast, a toast!" We all raised our glasses. "A toast to the cooks."

"A toast to the cooks," we all repeated. We all cheered as we drank to the cooks. I smiled as everybody toned down. Helena stood up again.

"Um, I have something I'm really thankful for," Helena said. She took a deep breath. "I'm going to marry Luke." My eyes widened as I started to cheer with everyone else. "Who does still have his throwing arm, and he's also the love of my life. You're all invited. Um, it's going to be the first wedding in the new world, so hit me up if you know how to make a wedding cake." We all laughed.

"Dessert to celebrate!" Gwen yelled.

        I smiled as pumpkin pie was brought to the table. I hadn't had pumpkin pie in so many years. I saw that it was the one Elle made.

"I haven't had pumpkin pie since I was like seven," I gasped.

I cut a piece of pie and dug in. I smiled as the taste exploded in my mouth. Wow, it was delicious. It was amazing.

"Okay, we're ready," we heard.

        I turned to the stage to see the lights go on. The improv team lined up onstage. I beamed in excitement. This would be fun.

"Okay, everybody, thank you," Bean said. "We are going to put on a play that's never been done before. Can I have a situation from the audience?"

"Uh, Thanksgiving dinner!" Clark suggested.

𝚅𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚜 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚁𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚜(𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚘𝚌𝚒𝚎𝚝𝚢)Where stories live. Discover now