14. Tenaka

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"Norris was a soldier, lives a breathed cyberwere, what makes you think a punk like you can do any better."

"I don't know but I guess I'm just built different"

"Ahhh, but of course you are, hahaha."

David didn't reply he just knocked JK out and sat down on a chair to wait for Lucy.

It didn't take much after that for the door of the studio to be forced open.


"Alright jackass where's dimples!"

Those were the voices of Lucy and Rebecca as the two including Dorio ran inside guns blazing.

"Yo! What took you guys so long?"

David said to them as they saw him sitting on a chair and an unconscious JK laying on the floor.

They did a double take, well more like triple take.

Needless to say they were confused, like super confused.

"I got to say dimples, I'm impressed."

Rebecca being the first one to brake the silence said with a smirk.

"David how did you . . . ?"

"Yeah kid I'm gonna need some answers."

David stood up from his chair and walked to Lucy, she then hugged wrapping her arms around his back.

"The effect of the EMP think wore of while he was carrying me to his editing chair, so I used the sandy to tie him up, then I knocked him out, and waited for you."

David said specifically saying the last part at Lucy.

"Well shit, I guess we panicked for nothing."

""No kidding, I didn't even get any fun."

Rebecca said while pouting holding Gutz close to her.

"So glad to see you're happy about me being alive."

"Yeah, yeah, you could have saved him for me to shoot him."

Rebecca said while sticking out her tongue, Dorio on the other hand made her way ti JK.

She picked him up like a rag doll.

"You sure he ain't dead?"

"Come on, I'm not a . . . . Complete Idiot."

Dorio the dropped JK down on the ground.

"I'll call Maine and Kiwi."

|So did ya find the kid?| M

|David is fine, he also knocked out JK| D.o

|that's my boy| M

|So is the plan a Go?| K

|Juts come to the studio, we'll discuss it then| Do

|on my way| M

|Got it| K


"Aight every got the plan?"

The one who said that was Maine.

He was in a storage room with David and JK who was tight down to a chair.

"Aye aye captain."

JK said that having woken up from his involuntary nap.

"Aight then, I'll be on the holo, till then you stay put."

Then Maine turned his attention to David.

"And you keep an eye on him, not a second out of your sight."

"Can do."

David reply as Maine walked away.

"Ah, it seems that we're alone again."

David reply he just at all of the BD that JK had made, they were all placed on shelves, eachr series he had made.

"Hey now, I thought we were friends."

"Why are you helping us.?"

"Look, I know how Edgerunners operate. Didn't have much of a choice did I?"


The David picked a specific BD pack, No.31 the BD of James Norris.

"Re-lives that one too, did you?"


"Hah, even after reliving the you predecessors fall into madness, because of the Sandy, you still installed it?"

JK then laughed a bit.

"You really are unhinged, no you completely insane."

"Like I said before, I won't end up like him."

"Ah yes, right, you're built different."

|Kid, Tenaka is here|M

|Sending JK| D

"You're up."

"Finally, I was beginning to lose feeling in my ass."

We cut to see Tenaka's delamaine pull up, he gets out of the car as it drives off.

He walkes to the studio door.

"Hey, Mr Tenaka, come on in."

Was head from inside, then the door opens and Tenaka walked in, and saw JK.

The walked down the hallway from the door to a staircase.

"You're ahead of schedule, its usually months before I get word of your next release"

Tenaka said in a quiet monotone voice.

"Perceptive as always. Quality scrolls are hard to come by. But that's why it makes this one so special. And I assume you'll want this baby tuned right away?"

"My son is being discharged from the hospital tonight, you're standard edit will do."

Tenaka said in that same monotone voice.

"Is that right? So unfortunate. I'm rather proud of how this ine turned out. The sensitivity the real-feel."

"Mr Kurosaki, my patients is running thin."

"Unfortunate is right."

Then a gun was pointed at Tenaka, from Maine who made his presence known.





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