Believe or not? | Miya Atsumu

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Prompt: Hanahaki Disease (With a twist)

Relationship: Married Couple

CW: Accusations of Cheating, hospital mentions, blood


Defying logic and materializing feelings, the hanahaki disease has existed among us since humanity was able to record its day-to-day.

But it wasn't until relatively recently that this disease began to confuse the experts when unrequited love ceased to be part of their equation or rather ceased to be the only cause of it.

And it is that for some time the people whose feelings were reciprocated began to present the well-known symptoms for no apparent reason but it soon became public knowledge the new cause of the flower disease.

"Not only those whose love is unrequited will begin to cough up flowers until they stop breathing, but also those whose love doesn't reach them regardless of whether their partners stopped loving them or not."

So that was it, right? It wasn't that Y/n's marriage was over because Atsumu didn't love her anymore, it was her problem, and it was on her mind, again. It was once again her insecurities that this time had caused her hand to be full of blood and some petals at that moment.

It has to be, Atsumu couldn't have stopped loving her, could he?

- I thought you said you were leaving -the blond said with a cold and distant tone as he watched the back of his wife who had stopped halfway to the door.

At least he wasn't yelling anymore, but the indifference hurt more than the aggressiveness with which both of them had argued seconds before.

Y/n hadn't wanted to give in this time although she now regretted not having done so, perhaps if she had given in like she always did, the couple would now be dining in silence and Atsumu would have ended up apologizing before going to sleep like he always did.

As she would continue to do this because even though Y/n had expressed to her husband how much his closeness to certain women bothered her and the extra hours he spent on the street instead of coming home early, he kept doing it.

And he would keep doing it if she didn't fight back if she didn't complain instead of just asking for reassurance and blaming herself for something he refused to understand.

But now that she did, she couldn't be more sorry for letting herself be carried away by the courage that glass of wine gave her to raise her voice.

Because the response to that was yelling and her husband telling her how tired he was of her and that she didn't understand the fact that he just is "friendly" with some of the cheerleaders or that he stays quite often to go out with the team or the staff or with his friends didn't imply that he was cheating on her or that he would.

Because he won't.

"You know me well, don't you?" he yelled somewhat frustrated.

Yes, she does, but still, even after all those years, something inside her didn't believe him. She loves him dearly but still, she doesn't completely believe in him.

And she knew that he knew this too, that he had always known it but lately it was more noticeable than ever.

But what really made her realize that this wasn't just a normal couple's argument was when she saw the honey-colored sparkle in her husband's eyes look at her bitterly as he recriminated that her insecurities weren't his fault and that he was already tired of dealing with them.

The same beautiful eyes that at some point had looked at her with unconditional love, swearing that they would be together until the end of their days, now looked at her with resentment for trying to take away a freedom that Atsumu wasn't willing to give up.

It was then that she whispered "Don't worry, if you're tired of dealing with me I'll leave now", a weak whisper because Y/n didn't feel like she had any more strength left, but loud enough for Atsumu to hear and still not go after her when he saw her walking towards the door.

And it was then that her throat began to itch and a strange metallic flavor invaded her mouth until it was expelled along with the petals that for her were a clear sign that their love had died.

Because there was no other answer, since Atsumu would love her, she would feel it and know it as she always has, so for her, there was no other option than to confirm with this illness that his love for her has disappear and their marriage had ended.

Although perhaps she would have changed her mind if she had seen how quickly Atsumu's face changed when he approached to see what was happening and was greeted by the vision of his wife's bloody hand along with petals that diagnosed the unmistakable disease.

"She really believes that I don't love her" was the first thought the blond had when he saw the scene, he knew that this was the only answer because although they had problems and he had behaved like the worst asshole, he knew that he still loved his wife and that he always would, even though at the time he didn't feel he deserved that privilege.

The silence of the house was soon interrupted by another wave of coughing that snapped them both out of their thoughts and made Y/n go for the keys only to be intercepted by her husband who had grabbed them first and lifted her up to carry her faster to the car.

- What are you doing?

- You're bleedin' I've to take ya to the hospital

- You said I'm not worth your time so I don't want to waste your precious time, let me leave alone, I'll be okay

He doesn't answer and just keep walking to the car, the blonde knows that she'll be okay, she has to but he also knows that there were only two cures available, and neither would be an easy road.

The first was that make her believe in his love again, with couples therapy he would try to convince his wife that his feelings for her hasn't change, that she can believe in him again when he told her that he never stopped loving her and that little by little she expel that root of discord in their throat and can continue their lives as usual.

But convincing Y/n wouldn't be easy, not after everything he had told her that night and even less with the way he had made her feel in the last few months.

This was his fault, and his wife could die just because he had decided to play the single life without thinking about the consequences this would bring with the person he swore was the most important in his life.

It would be difficult, very difficult to convince her of that, but if he didn't cling to that little hope, he was going to collapse right there, because as the situation was, Y/n could still choose not to give him the chance to prove himself and not believe in him anymore. She could choose surgery to avoid the pain of the treatment and just take away that love that was hurting her so much.

And yet he was also considering that alternative because he would rather be miserable for the rest of his life seeing her wife at a distance from him than lose her completely.

But he was really praying to all the gods that the love affair with his soul mate didn't end like this, because Atsumu couldn't imagine a world where he didn't return home to his wife, where her warm arms didn't welcome him after a bad day or where his smile makes him forget all the evils in the world, although now life without Y/n more than a nightmare, had become a sad probability that he would soon find out if it would become his new reality.

A price he would have to pay for taking his wife for granted, but when he took his wife's still blood-drenched hand, he still wanted to believe that they would not go that far.

And as one hand reach the other in the car with the cold breeze filtering through the windows, eyes met each other illuminated by the red glow of the traffic light and while hers initially conveyed tiredness and resignation, they changed to surprise when she finally saw his gaze shouting in fear and a clear "please believe me."

The light turned green then, the hands of the sad lovers intertwined and the car moved forward on its way to face whatever the future held for them now.

❥ The End

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