Our routine | Suna Rintaro x Y/n

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Prompt: Toxic Codependency

Relationship: Exes

CW: Implied NSFW, Past toxic relationship, Mentions of Divorce


The morning light filtered through the curtains thus marking the moment in which a still very sleepy Y/n was forced to wake up even though she had only slept for a few hours.

She looked at the ceiling while she blinked slowly thinking about whether it was really necessary to get up or not but the daylight was so intense that even if she felt very tired she wouldn't be able to get back to sleep.

So she slowly sat up on the bed, looking around for her clothes but stopping her gaze on the empty side of the bed, thinking for a moment about the person who had been there with her until a few hours ago but maybe by this time he was back home.

There was nothing she could do about that, well yeah, Y/n could simply refuse his advances and he would leave her alone but after so many years a task as simple as breaking a routine had become very complicated and almost impossible.

But she always thought of the same thing when she woke up in bed without him by her side and as the guilt came it also quickly left as she went into the bathroom for a morning shower to forget the events of the previous night to continue with this new day.

Although it didn't take long for her to think about Suna Rintaro again since once out of the shower she could see in her reflection the bite marks and hickeys spread all over her body as proof of the night she had spent with her ex.

Y/n and Suna had a silent agreement about those types of nights, neither could say exactly when it started but it was already a fact that they had been hooking up for longer than they had been married. Which was in turn possible because they both married at a very young age.

But young love didn't last long against the pressure of being the rookie on his first pro team and the stress of hers of running college as they both tried to take the best possible care of their newborn.

The divorce was difficult for both of them, but at that moment that seemed to be the only way out so that their precious daughter wouldn't grow up in an environment where love had apparently disappeared.

So they both let go, although not completely. Suna was still looking out for her daughter, and although he didn't want to admit it, he sometimes used her as an excuse to go out with Y/n as well or just at least see her frequently.

Separated but not really being so, is how they both lived their lives, although neither had crossed the line of a kiss, much less going back to bed as a couple since both were aware that they had to get over themselves at some point. Although this didn't prevent them from seeking the comfort of each other's presence when things in life got difficult.

- He really overreacted this time -Y/n hissed as she applied cream to the trail of marks from her neck to her chest.

Suna loved marking her, it gave him a feeling that in a certain way, she still belonged to him, although of course he didn't do it in all their encounters, usually he was tender and soft when he went to look for her, which almost always happened when he had another failed relationship.

He caressed the body of what was his wife with his lips while he made love to her, recording in his mind that this was the standard of what he was looking for in a partner. And perhaps that was how his routine began since Rintaro's relationships didn't last more than a couple of months and whenever they came to an end he ran back into Y/n's arms.

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