The Shadow in the house | Kurotsuki / Kuroken

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Prompt: Major Character Death

Relationship: Married Couple

CW: Past Main Character Death, mourning


"There is a shadow in the house and my husband is in love with it."

It was the first line that the blond wrote in his diary a few months after moving into his newly married house.

"There's a shadow in the house and we can't see it but we know it's there."

He continued as he looked around, he wasn't alone as he wrote but sometimes he felt that way.

"Although I'm sure he can see it, I'm sure because sometimes I come home and find his gaze focused on something that isn't there, or at least something I don't see."

And though he didn't see him, he knew his shape, the pale yellow of his hair both contrasting and matching the brilliant gold of his eyes. He knows what it looks like because he knew that shadow before it was a shadow.

His own golden eyes had seen the shadow when even in life they were the only thing Tetsuro's gaze focused on.

Years of envy for an impossible love, years of seeing how these two lived inside a bubble where the outside world had no place, years of being part of that outside world and longing to be the one in the place of the shadow, years of pain for a reciprocated love, years that came to an end overnight.

Everything happened very quickly, one day he observed in the distance the radiant smile of the black-haired man which, although it wasn't for him, made him want to believe that maybe someone would smile at him like that one day, and then the next day he held him in his arms, as close as he had never had him but with a broken heart without any trace of the smile that had made him fall in love.

It all happened so fast and it still seems like a bad dream sometimes, even though this was the beginning of their relationship.

They had known each other long before when even the days of youth shone in their eyes, but he knew that although his crush on the tall nekoma captain blossomed more strongly each time he saw him, he didn't have the slightest chance with him.

Because Kuroo was that person that devotedly love with his eyes always fixed on his partner, a love that anyone who sees him would long for but a love that in turn left him destroyed after his loss.

"I shouldn't feel jealous of a shadow, my husband hasn't given me a reason to be and if I speak truthfully, I'm sure whoever saw us can tell that the love he has for me is deeper than the one he used to have for the shadow.

But I don't believe them.

I still don't even get to the number of years that he loved his soul mate and although I know that if I ask him he would say that he loves me more, he does it only because he is afraid that I'll become a shadow also.

Tetsuro loves me more just because he feels that he didn't love him enough."

- So what do you think Kei?.. Kei?

The blond closed the notebook without looking at it, he had been so concentrated on writing that he hadn't realized that his husband was talking to him.

- Sorry, I wasn't paying attention to you -He watched his husband pout as he sat on the bed next to him and tried to take the notebook away, failing epically.

- Should I feel jealous of a notebook, Moonshine?

And Tetsuro probably expected Tsukki to just glare at him and make some sarcastic comment like he usually does but this time he leaned in, stealing a kiss, and then quickly pulled away from him and tried to look away to hide his blush.

Kuroo did nothing more than smile, he knew that if he asked why he wouldn't have an answer so he just enjoyed the moment without trying to guess the reason for his husband's actions, and perhaps it was better that way because knowing the reason why Kei was suddenly affectionate would just make him sad.

- Well, I was telling you if you wanted to dine out, I heard that they opened a new restaurant nearby and we could try it.

And there it was again, Kei knew that there were no bad intentions in his invitation but since they moved they rarely stayed at home at night. Perhaps at night is when the shadow was more present and he, like Kei, didn't want to be near it.

But Kei didn't say anything either, there was nothing to say, they both knew that even if they had the happiest marriage the earth has ever seen, the shadow would still be there and there was nothing they could do to change that.

So the blond only agreed to his husband's invitation, because even though he constantly thought about all that, he wouldn't do anything to threaten Tetsuro's happiness, because he knew that Kuroo deserved a second chance and he was going to be that for him.

And although he couldn't confirm it, Tsukishima also knew that this was what the shadow wished for Tetsuro as well.

❥ The End

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