The One | Iwaizumi Hajime x Y/n

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Prompt: Call off the Weeding

Relationship: Exes

CW: Cheating accusations, unplanned pregnancy


- You know you shouldn't be here, right?

Hajime knew, there were a thousand other places where he should be at that moment but his feet had led him to where his heart still remembered as his home.

- I just wanted to talk to you.

- The last time we saw each other I told you that I didn't want to talk to you again.

Y/n put her hand on the door to try to close it but Hajime got in the way, he had to talk to her at all costs, he needed to do it one last time even though he knew they would come to nothing.

- I promise it'll be the last time -Iwa put his hand over hers and their eyes met, resentment, and resignation looked at each other before Y/n sighed in defeat and removed her hand from the door entering her house.

Iwaizumi took a first step inside what had been his house until not long ago, the house that he was going to share with who would be the one for him, a house that they had decorated together and that at that time felt very much his, and even now he could still feel his own even when most of the things were already in boxes scattered around.

- Don't expect me to offer you tea because I really hope you'll leave soon -Y/n sat at the kitchen table looking at him with her arms crossed.

- I know, don't worry -Iwa half smiled before sitting in the chair in front of her.

- So why are you here?

- Straight to the point as always, right?

She rolled her eyes causing him to smile wistfully at her gesture. Hajime wanted to have a long talk and spend as much time as possible with her but he knew it wasn't going to happen. He knew her very well and he also knew that Y/n had already done enough for her by letting him into her house once again.

- You don't have much time to waste today, so tell me what you have to say and go get ready for your wedding, your lovely fiancee must be waiting for you.

- You remember it was today.

- I chose the date so it was obvious that I was going to remember it, plus she took care of sending me an invitation card, I'm glad she managed to change the names in time, even though she couldn't change the design I chose.

- I would have preferred not to have to change it... -He whispered and looked down, he couldn't meet her eyes when exactly one year ago, on that same table he had slipped an engagement ring on her finger promising to love her forever just that months later he ended up committing himself to another- I still believe that you are the one for me.

- You can't tell me that when you're about to get married, have a little respect for your future wife.

- She won't be, I... canceled the wedding, that's why I'm here.

Y/n didn't know how to react before that, should she be glad because the two people who ruined her life wouldn't have a happy ending? Or should she be mad that he was there telling her that as if it was going to change something between the two of them?

- I just wanted you to know -he added, this time looking up to meet the cold eyes of his ex-fiancée.

- And what am I supposed to do with this information?

- I just wanted you to know that I'm not going to marry anyone other than you, I... I can't.

Hajime wanted to try to reach her heart, he knew that for her, he had also been the one but he wasn't sure if after everything that happened she was willing to take him back, but he still had to try.

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