Her Wish | Akaashi Keiji x Y/n

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Prompt: Forbidden Love

Relationship: Friends

CW: Past Character Death, Age Gap


Akaashi has a secret, he has had it for a few years when he entered Mori Junior High School and got lost in the corridors of the school running into a door that wasn't supposed to be opened. Akaashi has a secret, which at first scared him but over time he got used to it and now he is afraid of leaving it or rather of leaving her.

- You're here!

A huge smile greeted a little 14-year-old Akaashi who would graduate at the end of the school year and leave that place behind, something that didn't particularly excite him but now worried him because if he left school no one would be able to visit his dear friend.

- You know I always do.

Akaashi smiled slightly at the girl's enthusiasm and arranged the blanket that he had stored in the place to sit next to her and take out the book in turn that he has chosen for that day.

- Romeo and Juliet? You're trying to tell me something about forbidden love Keiji.

- Of course not -the boy answered instantly, looking away so she wouldn't notice his blush.

This was something that happened more and more frequently for some time. Keiji met this particular girl in his first year in Mori and since then the two had spent a lot of time together which led little Akaashi to feel how inevitably his first love blossomed in his heart.

Feeling that at the beginning of his last year, he didn't want to admit it but after his crush's confession they were impossible to deny, although this didn't change his situation, they were both friends and nothing more because she knew that that's the only thing she could offer to Keiji.

Despite that, the black-haired boy kept going devoutly every day to that abandoned room to read any book in duty to her, feeling happy to be by her side but clearly remembering the words she uttered after her confession "But I can't be you Keiji".

And it is that she couldn't, and Akaashi's logic also told him that it was foolish to even think that it was possible for them to maintain a relationship when she could never access the future that awaited him.

Since after all, this particular lonely girl was actually just a solitary ghost, locked in the four walls that saw her lose her life many years ago and with an unknown pending issue that still didn't allow her to leave the place.

But still, love works in strange ways sometimes, weird and painful because even though Akaashi didn't need to touch her or go out with her to be sure of what he felt, deep inside him he knows that he was yearning to feel her touch at least once.

He didn't need those normal dates where the couple met in the new coffee shop, where they held hands, hugged, and kissed. He didn't need it, or at least that was what he told the spirit and what he told himself, but Akaashi was a person who was very much on his mind and he couldn't help but imagine in his overthinking sessions all those "what if" they could have.

What if, instead of being locked in a room where almost no light enters due to blocked windows, they were in the big cherry tree that can be seen from there, reading and laughing while having a picnic date? One that she had already mentioned to him she would have liked to have and that she dreamed of from time to time when she was looking through the cracks in the window.

What if Akaashi was born at the same time as her? He was sure that if things had been that way they would have met anyway, even though she repeated that she never had any friends and that it was because of her loneliness that it took them long to find her body when that earthquake buried the first version of the school with her still inside.

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