Glass | Kuroo x Y/n

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Prompt: Cheating

Relationship: Married Couple - President Kuroo x First Lady Y/n

CW: Cheating, mentions of blood (as a metaphor, no one hits anyone here)


Every day Y/n followed her routine to the letter, woke up not too late, exercised the exact amount, read or watched a movie to not get bored, and tried not to skip any food and eat balanced so she'll have enough energy to face her day.

Y/n feels her perfect routine like a glass of water that is filling little by little throughout the day with exact amounts to fill but never overflows, a thought that helped her manage her day knowing that once she was back in her bed the glass would be emptied again to be filled little by little the next day once more.

This was the main pillar of her life and the only way to accomplish her many work duties without going crazy, after all, being the first lady of the nation wasn't an easy task.

So, as her routine said, at this time of night her next activity was a bubble bath as a reward for the productive day that had ended, and if the bath also included her husband and a glass of wine it would be a great plus to end the great day she just had.

But that was perhaps too much to ask since her husband had been very busy lately, well she was too but she still took the time to text or call him, although lately, she didn't receive the same interest from him.

But Y/n didn't want to think twice about it since they had always been the perfect couple and that wouldn't have to change after some years of marriage so for Y/n the only answer was that Tetsuro was probably just stressed and it would go away during the weekend in which they both planned to escape to a cabin on the mountains and forget about the world.

So Y/n stopped thinking about things that didn't add up to her and got out of bed but before going to the bathroom the door of the room opened letting in a Kuroo with a face that Y/n couldn't read, a very suspicious way to welcome her.

- I thought you had an important dinner tonight.

He didn't answer and just approached her in silence wrapping her in his arms while he hid his face in the crook of her neck as he let himself be invaded by his wife's scent, something he used to do when he was tired or that's the message he got Y/n at that time.

- Tough day? -He kept quiet without answering so Y/n decided not to insist on finding out what was happening with her husband and just hug him back- I was about to take a bath, if you want I can give you a massage in the tub?

Tetsuro stepped back a little so he could see her face but without moving away from her enough to keep his hands on her waist, clinging to her as if he was afraid that she would disappear in front of his eyes at any moment.

His silence was beginning to worry Y/n but before she could ask again he leaned over and kissed her, sweetly, longingly, and somewhat sadly. It was then that she knew something was seriously wrong.

- You have something to tell me?

Oh of course she knew, they had known each other long enough to notice the small changes in each other, plus Tetsuro knew that he had married a very smart woman.

- We have to sit down first -he finally said, taking her by the hand with him to the sofa they had inside the enormous presidential suite.

- Is it so bad? -Y/n whispered as soon as she sat, keeping a little distance, but instead of receiving words as answers, she was received once more by the arms of her husband who clung to her with the same conviction as a few seconds ago.

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