Why can't we be like them? | SunaOsa

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Prompt: Hanahaki disease (with a twist)

Relationship: Established relationship

CW: Hospital mentions, blood


Another toast, another glass of champagne, another comment about the happy couple, and another forced laugh.

And it's not that he wasn't happy for the couple, Osamu loved his brother despite the silly bickering and the idiot he was most of the time, and he was genuinely happy that their relationship is going stronger because if there was something worse than putting up with Tsumu showing off how well their relationship is going was putting up with the blond with a broken heart.

So why didn't he just allow himself to be invaded by the happiness that apparently accompanied everyone present that night?

Well, it was difficult for him to openly celebrate the happiness of a couple when their relationship was not at its best.

And that made him feel horrible, not only because of the envy he felt about his twin's relationship but also because Rintaro hadn't even come to the family dinner so he had no one to complain about the lovebirds with.

Although even if Rin was there Osamu knew that he would still feel that way.

- Was it difficult for Rintaro ta come again?

That "again" echoed in Osamu's thoughts as he watched his mother sitting next to him, apparently, her maternal intuition had alerted her that one of her not-so-little ones was not having a good time.

Ya... they changed his practice schedule but he said that if he found a train he'd come.

As well as the other times in which he had said that he was going to try to go but had never arrived.

- Well there's not much that can be done with that, so why don't we go prepare dessert while we let your aunts keep embarrassing yer brother in front of Kiyoomi.

Osamu nodded, smiling slightly looking at the scene of the family dinner, that had been him and Rin a few years ago when schedules weren't so complicated and there wasn't so much distance between them.

- Why can't we be like them?

He whispered without thinking and his mother looked at him with a frown causing him to immediately regret even mentioning something that made his mother worry.

- I think that sometimes, ya two are still like them -Osamu shook his head and tried to urge his mother to stop the conversation but she kept talking- but young love is different in those who have been loving each other for more time.

- We became an old married couple then?

- Oh of course not Osamu, you're still young it's just that the honeymoon phase passes and that's when you start to see the difficulties, but even so, with the defects one chooses to stay with their partner, that's what makes love stronger.

- And if...

Osamu didn't want to say it, he knew that expressing out loud thoughts that torment one is liberating but at the same time it makes something that he might not even want to think come true.

- And if one chooses not to stay... -Osamu didn't look at his mother, he felt ashamed of those thoughts but at the same time he wanted the relief of not dealing alone with that- Ma why should I choose to stay when he was the one who left first?

After a few seconds of silence that made the guilt start to escalate in him more and more, his mother finally spoke.

- That's a question to which only you know the answer Osamu, as your mother I can only advise you to think well about what ya have and what ya want, only ya know what will make ya happy and ya also know that ya can always come here to talk to me, right?

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