My Dearest Stranger | Oikawa Tooru x Y/n

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Prompt: Lovers to Exes to Strangers

Relationship: Exes

CW: Past relationship, Mentions of Amnesia


Tooru had already been standing outside that cafe for almost half an hour, looking through the large window at the person whom he had been wondering for days if he should go find or not.

Even so, although the minutes passed, he didn't find the courage to go in and sit in front of her to tell the woman what had happened, since after all he himself had asked her not to look for him and now he was the one who was looking for her.

But as much as he wished not to and leave her alone, Tooru knew he had to tell her, and he couldn't deny that seeing her there, with her favorite dessert and her eyes focused on the laptop, probably working, was an image that filled him with nostalgia.

He should be there with her, that had been his place until a few years ago but now for him to approach her and sit next to her would be the same as a stranger randomly approached her.

And as if she sensed what he was thinking, Y/n looked towards the window, finding his eyes staring at her and looking at each other as she stopped her fingers on the keys without knowing how to react.

Oikawa took a deep breath and walked towards her while he felt that his nerves were eating him alive, even more so when upon entering the cafe, Y/n looked back at her laptop to resume her task, trying to pretend that she hadn't seen it.

- Y/n... -he whispered upon reaching the table where she was but then he remembered that she was no longer Y/n for him so he corrected himself- mmm I mean L/n-san, it's been a while, right?

He smiled trying to appear more relaxed than he was though his smile faded when he saw the confusion on her face seeing him standing there.

- Oikawa-san -"Tooru" he thought, he wanted to hear her say his name like she used to, it used to be music to his ears but he couldn't ask her when he had been the one who had told her in a not very nice way not to do it anymore- What a coincidence to see you here, I thought you no longer lived in this city.

- Actually, I don't, I just came hoping to find you here -Oikawa regretted his frankness a little when he saw her take her bag and try to close her laptop- no wait don't go.

- You asked me not to look for you again so I don't understand what you're doing here and I don't want to understand so Oikawa-san if you'll excuse me I have to go -Y/n got up picking up her things but stopped when she heard his response.

- You never left your favorite dessert half eaten -She looked at him frowning even more confused- and the ones they prepare here are the ones you like the most, right?

- You... shouldn't know that -she whispered before sitting back down- aren't you supposed to remember that... since when?

It was to be expected that such a small detail would make her already know what was happening, she was like that and he used to love that about her, and he had to think about what he "used to do" because he couldn't allow himself to think that he loved her anymore. Although the fact that he didn't think that didn't mean he didn't feel that way.

- Since a few months -He sat in front of her watching her try to keep her composure but her hands were shaking and he was dying to hold them to calm her down, but he can't- it's just that I didn't know if I should come to see you or not.

- I think you shouldn't have done it.

And although Oikawa expected that answer he couldn't help feeling hurt, he wanted to be received by the beautiful smile he had dreamed of in the last few months, he wanted to feel as comfortable and happy as his dreams had shown him when he was with Y/n.

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