Ch. 9 - New People?

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We follow the chase around a block or so, slowly losing ground on them. Just as we start to finally make up some ground, we round a corner, and Weiss slams face first into someone. Knocking them both onto the ground.

After a second or two, the faunus dude jumps off onto the roofs above us, "Ugh! He got away!" Weiss shrieks.

I start to chase after him myself but decide against it. Honestly, I don't know why we're doing this in the first place. I thought we'd be seeing the city and all its festivities. Not chasing dudes from Vaccuo.

Yang clears her throat, "Uh. Weiss?" She points at the person Weiss nearly trampled on the ground. Weiss lets out what sounds like a gasp and shoots up to her feet.


"Uh. What?" I respond. There is no way this girl is normal.

"Hello?" Ruby says. A bit of unsureness lacing her voice.

Yang then takes her turn to be polite, "Are you... okay?"

"Oh! I am wonderful! Thank you for asking!" The mystery girl responds.

This is awkward. Like. Deviously awkward. I don't think this girl even knows she just got run over.

"Do you... uh... wanna get up?" Yang asks, her voice now also drenched in confusion.

After a second or two, the girl gives a short, "Yes!" Then springs onto her feet using her hands. Oh.

Is she a student as well?

Now that she's standing, I take a good look at her, and honestly she doesn't seem to be much. She's just slightly taller than Ruby and probably the same weight. Her hair is a bright orange, and her outfit is a mix of greens and beige. Aside from her pants and choker (collar?) that are black with bright green stripes.

Team Rwby collectively takes a step back from her, but I miss the memo and stay glued to the spot where I'm standing, "My name is Penny! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Hi Penny! I'm Ruby."

When I don't introduce myself right away, Ruby gives me a small shove from behind, "O-Oh! Sorry. I'm Y/n."

"I'm Weiss."


"Are you sure you didn't hit your head?" Yang asks, though after Blake gives her a smack, she shakes off the disbelief,  "Oh, I'm Yang!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Didn't you already say that?" I ask, now very uncomfortable with the interaction. I'm getting absolutely slammed by second-hand embarrassment.

She takes a second to take that in, "So I did!"

We all start to take a few steps back, and as we're walking away, Weiss apologizes.

"Take care, friend," Ruby says, being the last one to separate from the weird stranger.

I shake off the interaction a little and stuff my hands in my pockets. "She was weird. Sorry we couldn't observe that guy or whatever, Weiss," I say after we've created some distance.

"Oh, its fine. Now, where did that faunus riff raff run off to..."

We all skid to a halt, the strange girl now stood directly in front of us. She takes a step toward us, "What did you call me?"

In a moment of sheer panic, I wave my hands in front of me frantically, "O-Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't think you'd hear me I-"

"Not you," she says to me, walking through the crowd now to face Ruby. Getting VERY close, "You!"

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