Ch. 12 - Relaxing!

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I woke up in the health center, with the rest of Rwby by my bedside, all absorbed in different activities. I start to sit up but quickly hiss in pain and lay back down.

"You're awake!!" Ruby yells, giving me a tight hug.

I jolt at first, the pain of her squeezing my sore body shocking me. Quickly, though, I push it aside and wrap an arm around her weakly, "Hey Ruby."

A moment or two passes of us like this. Honestly. It's nice. To be worried about. For her to be this worried.

It's... nice.

"You're hurting him," Weiss says in a monotone voice.

Ruby jumps back, "Oh! Sorry! I didn't think about that."

I laugh at her but flinch at the sharp pain. Damn. I'm fucked up. I sigh, "It's okay. It was nice..."

A tint of pink paints Ruby's cheeks and she looks away.

"You two are so cute," Yang coos.

I feel my face heat up at her remark. Embarrassment overtaking my entire being, "A-anyway! Uh. How long w-was I out for?" I stammer.

"Only till the morning. It's 8 right now," Blake answers from the corner.

Okay. Good. I wasn't out for long. Though, I wasn't planning on being out at all. I must've used Unbound Instinct again. Seeing Torchwick hit Ruby. Seeing him laugh. Then be so cowardly as to try and run... It just drove me over the edge.

I sigh and slide a hand down my face. Man I'm so tired, "Classes? What about our classes?"

"We're exempt. Yknow. Investigation and stopping a crime and stuff," Yang explains.

Good, "So I don't have to get up?" I sarcastically say. Wiping imaginary sweat from my brow.

Yang and Ruby chuckle at my remark, and Weiss scoffs.

There's a second or two of silence before I decide to speak up again, "Rwby is back to full strength again, then?" I say, looking at Blake. She's in the corner of the room, a look of slight guilt and deep thought covering her. She looks up at me and I give her a smile and a nod.

She nods back, and Weiss clears her throat, "Of course! We came to an agreement not to run off when something big comes up."

And you put aside your prejudice. I think to myself. After a second or two I hum, smiling at the ceiling, "Good. Wouldn't have it any other way."

"Also," Weiss steps forward, gathering my attention, "I'm sorry for coming off as discriminatory toward faunus. It's not the faunus I had the issue with. It was The White Fang. I know I worded things improperly, and-"

"Weiss," I cut her off, "It's okay. I understand. I said some pretty nasty stuff about the Schnee company when I first met you. Let's call it even."

I look up at her with a smile. She looks me over for a moment, then gives me a soft smile back. I'm glad we got that all sorted.

"Now can you move to the left a bit? The lights bright," I say plainly, covering my eyes and waving her to the side.

Her gaze quickly turns into one of annoyance, "You're still insufferable."

Though, I could tell her smile was still there.


After a couple days, I'm pretty much back to normal. Still a bit stiff, but I manage to work out the rustiness.

Over the next few months, everything goes back to what I'd consider normal. The investigation led to mostly a dead end. There was nothing the police didn't know already that we told them. The White Fang and Roman have had dealings recently, and this was just icing on the cake. On top of that, our classes have been relatively boring. The rate of sparring sessions have slowed down, Goodwitch said something about wanting us to get back into the flow of normal school.

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