Surprises and Answers

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While Rose was saying goodbye to her mother and Mickey, The Doctor gave Amora a short tour of the Tardis; showing her all the important rooms that the Tardis provided, the kitchen, the library (the room that she most wanted to visit), the pool and most importantly, her room. Amora enjoyed the tour, especially since it gave her plenty of time to flirt with the Doctor; she loved making him squirm, it was very cute when he did it which just encourage her to do it more. 

"This is where you'll be staying, Rose's room is down the hall and take a right and my room is three doors down left." The Doctor explained to the brunette, pointing in the directions of where the rooms were. 

"Wonderful, now I know where to go when I have a nightmare." Amora teased lightly, causing the Doctor to turn away to hide the small blush he was getting. She leaned in towards the Doctor, a flirtatious yet playful grin on her face. She looked into his eyes before trailing them down to his lips. She quickly looked back up at him and winked, pulling away from the man. 

"W-Well, I-I'll be in the console room. I'll leave you to it." He rushed out, wanting to prepare for the surprise he was planning; not because he was a blushing mess. He's been alive for so many centuries, seen the rise and fall of countless civilizations, flirted and dined with celebrities and royalties; no girl would bring him to his knees.

"That's all right with me! I'll just set my stuff down and I'll meet you back there." Amora said, her hand reaching for the doorknob, but she stayed focused on the Doctor. Amora felt curious about the man, she wanted to know more about him and the knowledge that he possesses, he is very interesting to her. 

The Doctor nodded before making his way down the hall. He almost tripped but steadied himself, cursing himself and hoping that she did not see him. Amora giggled at the sight before stopping and turning her attention back to her door.

"Now, let's see what sort of surprise you are going to give me Gorgeous." She said to the Tardis. Amora gave a light shiver as she heard a warm hum in her head and smiled gently; knowing that it was the Tardis.

The brunette finally turned the knob and walked into the room. The room was almost an exact replica of her room back home, back on Fraitaro. The walls were light lavender and had multiple shelves with all sorts of knick-knacks, most that seemed eerily like the ones that were in her room back home. The alien was sure that it was the same ones from her shelves back home. Which would be impossible... wouldn't it be? Her floor was made of a dark sort of wood that seemed to make a hum when she walked in certain areas, the same hum the trees at home would make. The bed was small but comfy, something that she quickly took pleasure in when she laid down. There was also a desk and a small wardrobe in the corner of the room that she had yet to check out. 

A hum interrupted the peace, causing the brunette to get up and look closer at the room. She finally noticed a door near the wardrobe.

"Is this what you wanted me to notice?" Amora asked the Tardis, who was quick to answer with another hum that she assumed was a 'yes'.

Amora walked over to the door and swung it wide open to show something that quickly brought tears to her eyes. It was a small forest with trees and flowers from her home planet, along with an emerald, green pond, and a huge rock in the center of it.

"Oh, you did not have to do this for me." Amora said to the Tardis, touched by her kindness. A small force pushed her into the forest, where she luckily managed not to fall. She shot a playful glare at the door, not knowing where else to glare to as the Tardis was all around her.

She took a few moments to just enjoy the sound of nature and slowly made her way to the pond. She passed by many flowers from her home, all were well taken care of and thriving. She started stripping her shoes and the rest of her clothes and jewelry and entered the water till it reached her mid-thigh. The water, which gave of a sweet honey smell, was the perfect temperature. It was not freezing yet it was not hot at all.

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